
Send broadcast messages on top of p2p networks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import geutDeluge from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@geut/deluge';



Send broadcast messages on top of p2p networks

Build Status JavaScript Style Guide standard-readme compliant

Made by GEUT


$ npm install @geut/deluge


const { Deluge } = require('@geut/deluge')
const deluge = new Deluge()

// add your peers into deluge
deluge.addPeer(peer.id, {
  send (packet) {
    // send data
  subscribe (next) {
    // subscribe for incoming data
    peer.on('data', next)

    // returns unsubscribe function
    return () => {
      peer.off('data', next)

// listen for incoming packets
deluge.on('packet', (packet) => {
  console.log(packet.data.toString()) // ping

// send a broadcast ping message in the channel = 0
deluge.send(0, Buffer.from('ping'))


deluge = new Deluge(opts?)

  • opts?: Object = {}
    • onPeer?: OnPeerCallback Callback to pre-process a new peer.
    • onPacket?: OnPacketCallback Async callback to filter incoming packets.
    • onSend?: OnSendCallback Async callback to filter peers before to send a packet.

deluge.ready() => Promise<any>

Wait for the deluge to be opened.

deluge.open(id?) => Promise<any>

Open deluge with a Buffer ID.

  • id?: Buffer = crypto.randomBytes(32)

deluge.onPeer(callback) => void

  • callback: OnPeerCallback

deluge.onPacket(callback) => void

  • callback: OnPacketCallback

deluge.onSend(callback) => void

  • callback: OnSendCallback

deluge.getPeer(key) => Peer | undefined

Get a peer by key.

  • key: Buffer | string

deluge.addPeer(key, handler) => Promise<Peer>

Add a new peer into the deluge network.

  • key: Buffer | string
  • handler: Peer.Handler

deluge.deletePeer(key) => Promise<any>

  • key: Buffer | string

deluge.send(channel, data) => Promise<Packet | undefined>

Broadcast a flooding message into the deluge network.

  • channel: number
  • data: Buffer

deluge.createDuplexStream(opts?) => Duplex

Create a new Duplex Streamx.

  • opts?: any = {}

deluge.id: Buffer | null

deluge.peers: Peer[] (R)

Handler: {}

  • send: (packet: any) > undefined
  • subscribe: (data: Buffer) > UnsubscribeFunction

packet = new Packet(opts)

  • opts: Object
    • origin: Buffer
    • data: Uint8Array
    • channel?: number = 0
    • seqno?: TimestampSeq
    • from?: Uint8Array
    • distance?: number = 0
    • buffer?: Buffer

timestampSeq = new TimestampSeq(timestamp, offset)

  • timestamp: any
  • offset: any

timestampSeq.compare(value) => number

Compare two TimestampSeq (self and value).

Returns: - 0 if they are equals. - 1 if self is major than value - -1 if self is minor than value

  • value: TimestampSeq


:bug: If you found an issue we encourage you to report it on github. Please specify your OS and the actions to reproduce it.


:busts_in_silhouette: Ideas and contributions to the project are welcome. You must follow this guideline.


MIT © A GEUT project