
Bypass the require cache when requiring a module – works with both node and browserify

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import gitbookNgFreshRequire from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@gitbook-ng/fresh-require';



Bypass the require cache when requiring a module – works with both node and browserify.



fresh(module, require)

Where module is the name of the module you're requiring, as you would normally pass to require. require should be your file's local require function.

To use this package properly with browserify, you need to include fresh-require/transform as a transform:

browserify -t fresh-require/transform ./index.js

Then you should be able to use the package as normal:

var fresh = require('fresh-require')

var async1 = require('async')
var async2 = fresh('async', require)


MIT. See LICENSE.md for details.