
Glance Networks Agent Plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import glanceNetworksAgentPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@glance-networks/agent-plugin';


Glance Networks, Inc.

React Agent Plugin


See License file and https://ww2.glance.net/terms/ for Glance terms of service.


  • You must have a Glance Admin account, and have access to your Glance API KEY.

  • You will need to setup an authentication URL. See Authentication section below.

  • Provision Glance Users - Each agent/app user has a Glance Account with a PUID set. Please see https://help.glance.net/account-management/manage_users/ for help managing users/puids.

  • A website tagged with Glance cobrowse or use the Glance cobrowse injector on a website.


Glance uses a form of authentication for external applications we call LoginKey https://help.glance.net/integrations/login-key/integration_loginkey/. LoginKey's are temporary keys (think JWT) that allows access to Glance services from external platforms and are included in the request body when making a POST request. A requirement of using this package is to provide a URL that can be called to retrieve a loginkey for use by a user.


Glance Group - This a numerical value assigned by Glance for your enterprise or BU.

PUID - Partner userid, this is a unique value per user, shared between Glance and a remote system. This value must be unique per user within a Glance group. This is often the user's SID or SSO account ID.

Glance API Key - This can be found in your Glance admin section, it is secret and shoudl NOT be used in any client-side code! https://help.glance.net/integrations/saml/public-key-update/#changing-your-api-key

When using this plugin, authentication is fully up to your system/scenario. Glance has provided some example code to get you started https://help.glance.net/integrations/login-key/integration_samples/ , yours can be written in any lanuage you like, but upon sucessful authentication of the requesting user, your auth url should return a valid loginkey to be used with this component. A simple exmaple of this is to wrap the code below in a simple "is the requesting user logged in" logic check, if true, return the loginkey, if not send 403 etc. You can verify your LoginKey result using the validator on this page https://help.glance.net/integrations/login-key/login_check//

You will need to setup a service such as a node express POST request to generate a Glance loginkey. The loginkey will give your agent access to the AgentJoin page for Cobrowse.

Example Node Express.js POST Request:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.post('/loginkey', cors(corsOptions), (request, response) => {
    try {
        const version = 1;
        const expires = (Math.round((new Date()).valueOf() / 1000)) + parseInt(environmentVariables.GLANCE_EXPIRATION, 10);
        const keystring = environmentVariables.GLANCE_GROUP_ID + request.query.partneruserid + version + expires;
        const CryptoJS = require('crypto-js');
        const hmac = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(keystring, environmentVariables.GLANCE_API_KEY);
        const hmacb64 = hmac.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
        const loginkey = "quot; + version + "quot; + expires + "quot; + hmacb64.substr(0, 43).replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
            'loginKey': loginkey,
            'groupId': environmentVariables.GLANCE_GROUP_ID,
            'expiration': expires
    } catch(error) {
        // handle error

In the above example we have made GLANCE_GROUP_ID GLANCE_EXPIRATION and GLANCE_API_KEY environment variables.


npm i @glance-networks/agent-plugin


import {Glance} from @glance-networks/agent-plugin
    openlocation={'tab' | 'window'}
    pressence={true | false}
    glancebaseurl={'beta' | 'production'}
    debugmode={true | false}
        func: "customFunctionName",
        args: {
            dataParameter: "dataValue"


Prop Type Description
groupid integer Required. Enter your Glance Group ID (unique ID assigned to your company by Glance).
authurl string Required. Enter the URL to your login key service.
puid string Required. Identifies the Glance user.
openlocation string tab (default) opens agent viewer in new tab.window opens agent viewer in new browser window.
pressence boolean Optional. Determines if presence is enabled. If undefined, presence is set to off. false (default) pressence is off, true presence is on.
glancebaseurl string Optional. Used if testing early release features on the glance beta platform. production (default) or beta
visitorid string Required when pressence is set to true. Unique identifier that is used to lookup the visitor and change the state of the Join button.
debugmode boolean Optional. true turns on console logs to assist in debugging. false (default) turns off console logs.
custominvoke object Optional. A Presence Agent can invoke Javascript functions defined on the Visitor's web page by providing an object that defines the following parameters: func name of the function, args function arguments. See below for more detail and an example.
presessionfunc function Optional. In case you need to do some work before a signaling the visitor to accept terms, you can pass a javascript function to this property. See below for more detail and an example.


In order to allow for agent initatied sessions, Glance has created its Presence services framework. This service allows agents to "signal" visitor browsers to do thigs like start sessions, execute custom code, and so on. Each visitor is unqiuely identified within a Glance groupID using a unique vistor_id value. Visitors are "present" when they are actively focused on a browser tab that has Glance Cobrowse enabled and active or when focused inside a mobile app (Andorid/iOS SDK). An agent can click on the Join button when a visitor is present to initiate a session reqeust to that user. This concept is usually invoked when an agent in the app/crm is contextually "looking" at a record such as an account/contact/lead etc. for that visitor and wants to cobrowse with that user.


  • VisitorID - This is a unique value for the web visitor. This can be up to 62 digits in length, generally a hashed customer UUID format. This value is shared between the web property and the agent CRM for a given user.

  • Join Button - This is the UI component the Agent interacts with. It has a few states such as visitor present and not present. The button will be Blue when a visitor is not present currently, this allows teh agent to use the code methods to cnnect with a visitor/guest.

The VISITOR_ID should be set dynamically as a prop to the React component based on a known value that is atatched to a customer profile. Following React lifecycle methods, the UI state will update when a new value appears as the VISITOR_ID. You can set this property dynamically when an agent is viewing a record such as a case or contact record that is specific to a customer or action they are working on. The visitor side (browser) publishes a visitor_id, the agent side subscribes to that same string in order to determine if the user is availible. More detail can be found here https://help.glance.net/glance-cobrowse/glance-cobrowse-customizing/presence/presence_visitor/

Custom Presence-Invokable Functions

Visitor's Page:

    customFunctionName: function (params) {
        // Do custom things on visitor's page.

Agent's Glance Component:

       func: "customFunctionName",
       args: {
            dataParameter: "dataValue"

Pre Session Function

Agent's Glance Component:


You can pass a reference to a function into this prop if you want to handle some work prior to signaling the visitor's page to show terms. For example, if you need to fetch some user information from a database or generate a custom key to set on the visitor's session.