
Convenience wrapper for advertising video/audio content with Google IMA

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import glomexVastImaPlayer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@glomex/vast-ima-player';



VAST-IMA-Player is a convenience layer around Google Interactive Media Ads HTML5 SDK (short: IMA) which tries to make using IMA less cumbersome for common monetization usecases.

This library can be used to build a simple outstream player or it can be used to implement more complex monetization scenarios. VAST-IMA-Player can monetize any content media player (with pre-, mid and postrolls), which follows the browser-built-in HTMLMediaElement API.

View Documentation | View Test-Page

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Open the test-page: http://unpkg.com/@glomex/vast-ima-player@1/test-page/index.html

Or checkout this repository and execute the end-to-end tests via npm test. You can also start a local webserver via npm start and then open the http://localhost:5000/test-page/.


Apache 2.0 License