
Internationalization middleware for grammY and Telegraf

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import grammyjsI18n from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@grammyjs/i18n';


i18n for grammY and Telegraf

Internationalization middleware for grammY and Telegraf.


npm install @grammyjs/i18n


yaml and json are ok
Example directory structure:
├── locales
│   ├── en.yaml
│   ├── en-US.yaml
│   ├── it.json
│   └── ru.yaml
└── bot.js
import {Bot, session} from 'grammy'
import {I18n, pluralize} from '@grammyjs/i18n'

const i18n = new I18n({
  defaultLanguageOnMissing: true, // implies allowMissing = true
  directory: 'locales',
  useSession: true,

// Also you can provide i18n data directly
i18n.loadLocale('en', {greeting: 'Hello!'})

const bot = new Bot(process.env['BOT_TOKEN']!)

// Start message handler
bot.command('start', async ctx => ctx.reply(ctx.i18n.t('greeting')))


A full example for both grammY and Telegraf are in the examples folder.

User context

Commonly used Context functions:

bot.use(ctx => {
  ctx.i18n.locale()                    // Get current locale
  ctx.i18n.locale(code)                // Set current locale
  ctx.i18n.t(resourceKey, [data])      // Get resource value (data will be used by template engine)