
A tiny Redux

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import helpscoutWedux from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@helpscout/wedux';



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Like Redux + React-Redux, but tiny :)


  • Zero dependencies!
  • Super tiny, at ~1.5KB gzipped
  • Perfect for library use


Add wedux to your project via npm install:

npm install --save @helpscout/wedux


Out of the box, Wedux works just like Unistore:

import createStore, { Provider, connect } from '@helpscout/wedux'


This is a special feature that allows you to create stores (with associating Provider/connect components) with guaranteed unique store keys. This is important if you plan on creating multiple nested stores. This is especially good for libraries, as it guarantees that the library's Wedux components don't clash with the integrated application Wedux components.

createUniqueStore(reducer, enhancer, namespace)

Argument Type Description
reducer Object/Function Reducer/initialState for the store.
enhancer Object Store enhancer, like applyMiddleware.
namespace string A custom namespace for the store (context). It will still be unique.


import { createUniqueStore } from '@helpscout/wedux'

const libStore = createUniqueStore()
const appStore = createUniqueStore()

const Bob = ({ makeBurger }) => (
  <button onClick={makeBurger}>Make Burger</button>

const makeBurger = store => {
  return {
    didMakeBurgers: !store.didMakeBurgers,

const ConnectedBob = libStore.connect(null, { makeBurger })(Bob)

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
            <ConnectedBob />


Thanks to developit for creating Unistore, which this library is based on. And of course, the lovely folks at Redux.