
Create and publish buildpacks.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import herokuCliPluginBuildpackRegistry from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@heroku-cli/plugin-buildpack-registry';


Buildpack Registry Plugin

Create and publish buildpacks.


$ heroku plugins:install buildpack-registry

Local dev

First uninstall existing plugin:

$ heroku plugins:uninstall buildpack-registry

Then link the local directory:

$ heroku plugins:link
heroku: linking plugin plugin-buildpack-registry... done


Create a new buildpack:

$ heroku buildpacks:init my-ruby-buildpack

Create a new Github repo for the project and push your buildpack code to it:

$ git push origin master

Register your buildpack:

$ heroku buildpacks:register johndoe/ruby

Create a tagged version and push it to Github:

$ git tag v1
$ git push --tags

Publish the tag as a Heroku buildpack:

$ heroku buildpacks:publish johndoe/ruby v1

Use the buildpack on an app:

$ cd my-ruby-app
$ heroku create
$ heroku buildpacks:set johndoe/ruby
$ git push heroku master