
Make your AdonisJS application multi tenancy aware

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hipsjsAdonisMultitenancy from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hipsjs/adonis-multitenancy';


AdonisJS Multitenancy

Works with adonis preview v5

Simple multi tenancy for AdonisJS - WIP but functional :)

  • Single database (for now)
  • @isTenant and @belongsToTenant Lucid decorators
  • Caches tenants in memory
  • Errors thrown when tenant not provided
  • Roadmap: query scopes, plug and play middleware, more caching options, multi database

:page_facing_up: Installation

1. Install using npm or yarn and call ace's invoke

npm i --save @hipsjs/adonis-multitenancy
node ace invoke @hipsjs/adonis-multitenancy

2. Edit config/multitenancy.ts with your configuration.

3. Make sure to register the provider inside .adonisrc.json file.

"providers": [

4. For TypeScript projects add to tsconfig.json file:

"compilerOptions": {
  "types": [

:wrench: Usage

Add the @isTenant decorator to your Tenant's Lucid model, in this example we use Organisation as our Tenant, the model will need an id:

import { BaseModel } from '../index'
import { column } from '@adonisjs/lucid/build/src/Orm/Decorators'
import { isTenant } from '../../src/Decorator/isTenant'

export class Organisation extends BaseModel {
  public id: number

Add the @belongsToTenant decorator to models that belong to a tenant:

export class User extends BaseModel {
  public organisationId: number
  public organisation: Organisation

:gear: Development

See package.json scripts

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:two_hearts: Contributing

If you have any questions or requests or want to contribute to @hipsjs/adonis-multitenancy or other packages, please write an issue or send in a Pull Request freely.