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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import holaluzKalimotxo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@holaluz/kalimotxo';


npm deploy publish



Kalimotxo is a repository of front end organisms.

The storybook with component examples is available here.

The NPM package is available here.

About Kalimotxo


Clone the repo and install node dependencies:

$ npm install

Useful commands

# run storybook
$ npm start

# run unit tests
$ npm test

# run unit tests with watch mode enabled
$ npm run test:watch

Deployment and versioning

Every commit into master automatically triggers GH pages deploy and Semantic Release check.

Kalimotxo uses Semantic Release to handle the release pipeline.

Triggering a new release will create the associated Git tag, the GitHub release entry, and publish a new version on npm.

In order to trigger a new version, make sure you add the appropriate prefix and message to the squashed commit. It is based on the Angular Commit Message Conventions. In short:

# Creates a patch release (v1.0.0 -> v1.0.1)
> fix: commit message

# Creates a feature release (v1.0.0 -> v1.1.0)
> feat: commit message

# Creates a breaking release (v1.0.0 -> v2.0.0)
> fix: commit message
> BREAKING CHANGE: explain the breaking change # "BREAKING CHANGE:" is what triggers the breaking release

There's no need to overcomplicate things here. Keep it simple: fix, feat, and chore (plus BREAKING CHANGE) should be enough for now.