
A fullscreen components for Vue2.0

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hyhelloVueFullscreen from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hyhello/vue-fullscreen';


Quick start


The @hyhello/vue-fullscreen component for vue2, supports single page applications.

Read this document in: 简体中文.



Use Setup

install @hyhello/vue-fullscreen

npm install @hyhello/vue-fullscreen --save

Vue mount

// global use
import Vue from 'vue';
import vueFullscreen from '@hyhello/vue-fullscreen';

// use  @params:global configuration
Vue.use(vueFullscreen, [options]);

// or Local use
import { Fullscreen } from '@hyhello/vue-fullscreen';

export default {
    components: { Fullscreen }

Use in SPA

        <div class="bindEl">content</div>
        <vue-fullscreen bind=".bindEl" @change="change" :native-options="options">
            <button>fullscreen toggle</button>
    import { Fullscreen as vueFullscreen } from '@hyhello/vue-fullscreen';

    export default {
        components: { vueFullscreen },
        data: function () {
            return {
                options: {
                    navigationUI: 'hide'
        methods: {
            change(val) {
                console.log('status:', val ? 'fullscreen' : 'no fullscreen');



params explain type Optional value Default value
bind Bind elements that need to be enlarged string / HTMLElement / function document.documentElement
trigger Triggered methods string click / dblclick click
nativeOptions An object that controls the behavior of the transition to full screen mode,Api object {}
keyboard Enable keyboard control(F11) boolean true
beforeChange Trigger before change function


eventName explain Callback Arguments
change Monitor whether the current screen is full status(boolean)