
Ruby marshal for the browser and node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import hyriousMarshal from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@hyrious/marshal';



Ruby marshal for the browser and Node.js.


npm i @hyrious/marshal


import { dump, load } from '@hyrious/marshal'
dump(null) // ArrayBuffer { 04 08 30 }
load(Uint8Array.of(4, 8, 0x30).buffer) // null

Ruby ↔ JavaScript

ruby javascript
nil null
"string" "string" (utf-8 only, no instance variables)
:symbol Symbol.for('symbol') (same above)
123456 (Integer) 123456 (number)
123.456 (Float) 123.456 (number)
/cat/mixn /cat/im (regexp, see comments below)
[] [] (no instance variables)
{} RubyHash { pairs: [] } (no instance variables)
Object.new RubyObject { className: Symbol(Object) }
S = Struct.new; S.new RubyStruct { className: Symbol(S), pairs: [] }
Object RubyClass { name: 'Object' }
Math RubyModule { name: 'Math' }

Note about RegExp:

JavaScript RegExp is different from Ruby Regexp. Only these flags are preserved:

flag meaning
i ignore case
m multi-line


How to pass a Buffer in Node.js ?


How to get a binary string from ArrayBuffer (and reverse back) ?

You can use TextEncoder/TextDecoder. But please no, you won't expect a USVString at the most of the time. All string/symbol in ruby will be converted to js string automatically.

Do you support Stream API ?

Because the stream api in the browser and in node.js is not similar at all, it should be separated into 2 files and add exports respectively. I'm not in a hurry to implement this feature. If you really need this please make a pr/issue to let me know.

Do you support BigInt ?

Currently not, but JavaScript's number is big enough to store up to 2^53 - 1.

Do you support ...?

Feel free to open an issue or submit a pr to improve this library.




MIT @ hyrious