
A configurable utility to clone JavaScript data (Objects, Arrays, etc)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ianwalterClone from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ianwalter/clone';



A configurable utility to clone JavaScript data (Objects, Arrays, etc)

npm page CI


I created clone because I wanted to use the terrific nanoclone utility but not have the source Object's prototype properties be copied.

The difference, for my purposes, is to be able to clone an Object without cloning it's getters and setters. The state management library Vuex uses Object getters and setters for it's "reactive" functionality and there are times when you might want to extract and mutate data from the store without those mutations affecting the original data in the store.


yarn add @ianwalter/clone


import clone from '@ianwalter/clone'

const clonedBook = clone(book)


Apache 2.0 with Commons Clause - See LICENSE


Created by Ian Walter