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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import icgcArgoUikit from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@icgc-argo/uikit';



Netlify Status Storybook npm version TypeScript

Reusable UI components for Argo.



Both local development and building for publishing write to the dist folder. We use npm link for local development and avoid adding it to package.json. npm run watch will point to the consuming projects react libs in the global node folder. If you get an error about multiple versions of react, chances are something went wrong here.

Consuming project folder eg. platform-ui:

  • run npm link from both react and react-dom node_modules.

UIKit lib:

  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Start watching: npm run watch

NB: npm link installs to global node folder. be careful when using something like NVM which creates different global folders for different node versions. Both uikit and the consuming project will need to be using the same node version.


  • npm run storybook for starting the storybook on port 6006 for isolated component development.
  • npm run build-storybook creates static storybook build in ./storybook-static

Component Boilerplate

  • creating a new component: npm run create-component

Writing commits

To keep commit messages consistent, we use gitmoji-cli, available as a dev dependency

  • npm run commit will start interactive commit tool
  • configuring gitmoji-cli: npm run gitmoji-config

Type checking

  • npm run type-check: trigger TypeScript type check for whole repo
  • npm run type-check -- --watch: runs the above with watch mode
    • Any npm run type-check triggers tsc, so any flag layed out here can be used
  • If using vscode (recommended), tsc can also be run as a task in the editor:
    • Cmd+Shift+B, then select tsc:build - tsconfig.json
    • This will report errors in vscode's PROBLEMS tab

Publish to npm:

  1. Increase version under uikit/package.release.json
  • Automated process (recommended)

    1. Merge that change to develop, and let the Jenkins pipeline handle it
  • Manual process (discouraged, but available)

    1. Run npm run build-uikit which performs the following:
    2. Run npm run publish-uikit to publish latest version to npm