
πŸ“œ Formats the provided string as a comment, either a single or a multi line comment for the given programming language. 40 languages are currently supported. πŸ’»

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import igorDvlprCommentIt from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@igor.dvlpr/comment-it';


/* CommentIt! */

πŸ“œ Formats the provided string as a comment, either a single or a multi line comment for the given programming language. πŸ’»

🌍 40 (*) languages are currently supported. 🎀

* an additional alias is available for shellScript named bash.

✨Since version 2.0.0 CommentIt! is a hybrid module that supports both CommonJS (legacy) and ES modules, thanks to Modern Module.


Install it by running,

npm i "@igor.dvlpr/comment-it"



getLanguageIds(): string[]

Gets IDs of all available language formatters. Language formatters are callable as comment.<languageId>. See more below at comment.


language(id: string): CommentFormatter | null

Performs a case-insensitive search for a language formatter with the provided id and returns it - if one is found - else returns null.


supportsLanguage(id: string): boolean

Returns whether the given language formatter is supported, case-insensitive.

Supported identifiers are: bash, batch, coffeeScript, c, cpp, cSharp, css, dart, delphi, dockerFile, fSharp, go, groovy, html, java, javaScript, jsx, kotlin, lua, objectiveC, objectiveCpp, matlab, pascal, perl, php, powerShell, pug, python, r, razor, ruby, rust, scala, shellScript, sql, swift, typeScript, vue, vueHtml, visualBasic, xml.


 alias(id: LanguageId, alias: string): boolean

Adds an alias for an existing comment formatter. Returns true upon success, false otherwise.


An object where all formatters are stored.

comment's formatters:

  • comment.bash - Bash (alias of shellScript),
  • comment.batch - Batch,
  • comment.c - C,
  • comment.coffeeScript - CoffeeScript,
  • comment.cpp - C++,
  • comment.cSharp - C#,
  • comment.css - CSS,
  • comment.dart - Dart,
  • comment.delphi - Delphi,
  • comment.dockerFile - Dockerfile,
  • comment.fSharp - F#,
  • comment.go - Go,
  • comment.groovy - Groovy,
  • comment.html - HTML,
  • comment.java - Java,
  • comment.javaScript - JavaScript,
  • comment.jsx - JSX,
  • comment.kotlin - Kotlin,
  • comment.lua - Lua,
  • comment.matlab - MATLAB,
  • comment.objectiveC - Objective-C,
  • comment.objectiveCpp - Objective-C++,
  • comment.pascal - Pascal,
  • comment.perl - Perl,
  • comment.php - PHP,
  • comment.powerShell - PowerShell,
  • comment.pug - Pug/Jade,
  • comment.python - Python,
  • comment.r - R,
  • comment.razor - Razor,
  • comment.ruby - Ruby,
  • comment.rust - Rust,
  • comment.scala - Scala,
  • comment.shellScript - ShellScript,
  • comment.sql - SQL,
  • comment.swift - Swift,
  • comment.typeScript - TypeScript,
  • comment.visualBasic - VisualBasic,
  • comment.vue - Vue,
  • comment.vueHtml - VueHtml,
  • comment.xml - XML.

Each formatter exposes two functions, single() for single-line comments and multi() for multi-line comments.

single(value: string): string

Returns a single-line comment formatted for the selected language.

multi(value: string): string

Returns a multi-line comment formatted for the selected language.


const { comment, supportsLanguage } = require('@igor.dvlpr/comment-it')
const singleLine = 'hello world'
const multiLine = `hello


this is a test`

console.log(comment.javaScript.single(singleLine)) // prints '// hello world'

console.log(comment.jsx.single(singleLine)) // prints '{/* hello world */}'

console.log(comment.coffeeScript.multi(multiLine)) // prints '###\nhello\n\n\nworld\n\nthis is a test\n###'

// note: new lines in the example results are written as-is for brevity

console.log(supportsLanguage('lua')) // prints true
console.log(supportsLanguage('TYPEscript')) // prints true
console.log(supportsLanguage('foo')) // prints false