
A minimalistic and opinionated Fastify plugin that collects metrics and dispatches them to statsd

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import immobiliarelabsFastifyMetrics from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics';




release workflow code style: prettier semantic-release npm (scoped) license

A minimalistic and opinionated Fastify plugin that collects metrics and dispatches them to statsd.

If you write your services and apps using Fastify and also use statsd, this plugin might be for you!

It automatically collects Node.js process metrics along with routes hit count, timings and errors and uses the dats client to send them to a stasd collector.

It supports Fastify versions >=3.0.0.

Table of Content



# lastest stable version
$ npm i -S @immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics
# latest development version
$ npm i -S @immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics@next


# lastest stable version
$ yarn add @immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics
# latest development version
$ yarn @immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics@next


const fastify = require('fastify')();

fastify.register(require('@immobiliarelabs/fastify-metrics'), {
    host: 'udp://someip:someport',
    namespace: 'ns',

const route = {
    // This is required in order to associate a metric to a route
    config: {
        routeId: 'root.getStatus',
    url: '/',
    method: 'GET',
    handler(request, reply) {
        reply.send({ ok: true });



The plugin uses the key routeId in the config object of the Reply.context. If none is found a default noId string is used.

See https://github.com/fastify/fastify/blob/master/docs/Routes.md#config.

Metrics collected

These are the metrics that are collected automatically.

Name Type Unit of measure Description
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.cpu gauge percentage process cpu usage
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.mem.external gauge bytes process external memory
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.mem.rss gauge bytes process rss memory
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.mem.heapUsed gauge bytes process heap used memory
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.mem.heapTotal gauge bytes process heap total memory
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.eventLoopDelay gauge milliseconds process event loop delay
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.eventLoopUtilization gauge absolute number between 0 and 1 process event loop utilization
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.<routeId>.requests counter unit requests count per service route
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.<routeId>.errors.<statusCode> counter unit errors count per service route and status code
<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.<routeId>.response_time timing milliseconds response time per service route


The plugin adds the following decorators:

  • fastify.stats: A dats instance
  • fastify.hrtime2ns: A utility function to convert process.hrtime([time]) to nanoseconds
  • fastify.hrtime2ms: A utility function to convert process.hrtime([time]) to milliseconds
  • fastify.hrtime2s: A utility function to convert process.hrtime([time]) to seconds


The plugin uses the following hooks:

  • onClose: To close the dats instance
  • onRequest: To count requests
  • onResponse: To measure response time
  • onError: To count errors


This module exports a plugin registration function.

Configuration options

The plugin is configured with an object with the following properties

  • host: String. statsd host. See dats.
  • namespace: String. Metrics namespace. See dats.
  • bufferSize: Number. Metrics buffer size. See dats.
  • bufferFlushTimeout: Number. Metrics buffer flush timeout. See dats.
  • sampleInterval: Number. Optional. Sample interval in ms used to gather process stats. Defaults to 1000.
  • onError: Function: (err) => void. Optional. This function to handle possible Dats errors. See dats. Default: (err) => log(err)
  • udpDnsCache: Boolean. Optional. Activate udpDnsCache. Default true.
  • udpDnsCacheTTL: Number. Optional. DNS cache Time to live of an entry in seconds. Default 120.
  • collect: Object. Optional. Which metrics the plugin should track.
    • collect.timings: Boolean. Collect response timings (<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.<routeId>). Default: true.
    • collect.hits: Boolean. Collect requests count (<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.requests.<routeId>). Default: true.
    • collect.errors: Boolean. Collect errors count (<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.api.errors.<routeId>.<statusCode>). Default: true.
    • collect.health: Boolean. Collect process health data (<METRICS_NAMESPACE>.process.*). Default: true.

Powered Apps

fastify-metrics was created by the amazing Node.js team at ImmobiliareLabs, the Tech dept of Immobiliare.it, the #1 real estate company in Italy.

We are currently using fastify-metrics in our products as well as our internal toolings.

If you are using fastify-metrics in production drop us a message.

Support & Contribute

Made with ❤️ by ImmobiliareLabs & Contributors

We'd love for you to contribute to fastify-metrics! If you have any questions on how to use fastify-metrics, bugs and enhancement please feel free to reach out by opening a GitHub Issue.


fastify-metrics is licensed under the MIT license.
See the LICENSE file for more information.