
InfluxDB 2.0 client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import influxdataInflux from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@influxdata/influx';


InfluxDB 2.0 browser JavaScript client


This library is a work in progress and should not be considered production ready pre v1.0.


Initializing the client

import Client from '@influxdata/influx'

const client = new Client('basepath', 'token')


Using the client to execute a query:

const query = 'from(bucket: "my_bucket") |> range(start: -1h)'

const {promise, cancel} = client.queries.execute('someorgid', query)

const csv = await promise

The returned promise will eventually resolve with a Flux CSV.

The request can also be canceled with the returned cancel function, in which case the promise will reject with a CancellationError:

cancel() // Cancels request


Data written to the database should be in line protocol

const data = '' // Line protocal string

const response = await client.write.create('orgID', 'bucketID', data)



  • OpenJDK 8 or higher
  • Node 10.x or higher

Installing dependencies


Generating base from swagger

yarn run generate

Releasing a new version

Ensure that:

  • You have administrator access to this repo on GitHub
  • You have permissions to publish to the influxdata organization on npm
  • You are logged into Yarn (yarn login)
  • You are on master and the working tree is clean

Then run the publish script in the root of the repo:
