
Post slack notifications to a webhook on success or failure of a semantic-release job

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import intuitSemanticReleaseSlack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@intuit/semantic-release-slack';



npm CircleCI Known Vulnerabilities Renovate enabled code style: prettier semantic-release

Post slack notifications to a webhook on success or failure of a semantic-release job

Step Description
verifyConditions Verify the SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL environment variable is set.
success Send a formatted message to the slack webhook provided with information about the most recent release
fail Send a formatted message to the slack webhook if the release fails


yarn add --dev @intuit/semantic-release-slack


Add the following to your release.config.js

  "plugins": [
    // ...
   ["@intuit/semantic-release-slack", {
       // These are the available platforms that the package can be downloaded from
       "platforms": ["brew", "npm", "docker"]

Ensure you have a webhook url in your process.env under the name SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL. The hook is expected to contain https://hooks.slack.com in the URL. Without this, your release will fail because the plugin won't know where to post to.


Property Type Default Example Description
platforms String[] undefined "platforms": ["brew", "npm"] Available platforms that the package can be downloaded from. Can be anything. Supported emoji
skipCommit String undefined "skipCommit": "^fix\\(deps\\):" Skips notifying when regex matches at least one commit in the release
semverFilter String[] ["major", "minor", "patch"] "semverFilter": ["major", "minor"] Skips releases that do not match one of the configured types
fullReleaseNotes Boolean false "fullReleaseNotes": true Provides the full release notes in slack instead of a link to the release notes