
react sidebar component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import irimRcSidebar from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@irim/rc-sidebar';


React Component of Sidebar

version license downloads


  • $ npm install @irim/rc-sidebar --save
import Sidebar from '@irim/rc-sidebar';

class Demo extends React.Component {
  state = {
    visible: false,

  handleClick = () => {
    this.setState({ visible: !this.state.visible });

  handleClose = (fromAction) => {
    this.setState({ visible: false });

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="demo-container">
        <button className="toggle-btn" onClick={this.handleClick}>show</button>
        <button className="x-safe-node">I&apos;m safe node</button>
        <Sidebar visible={this.state.visible}
          onClose={this.handleClose} title="Title of Popup">
          <h4>I am content title</h4>
          <p>I am content body~~</p>

ReactDOM.render(<Demo />, mountNode);
@import "~@irim/rc-sidebar/lib/index"; 


props desc type required default
title header title string no null
defaultVisible visible when init boolean no -
visible visible of popup boolean no -
onClose event for popup close function no noop
closable whether has close btn boolean no true
hasMask show mask when popup showing boolean no false
offsetTop offset of top number no 0
autoFocus auto focus to form element boolean no false
dir show direction enum(right, left) no 'right'
cacheBody hold body when popup is hidden boolean no true
root root node for outer click DOMElement no #root or body
safeNode safe node that ignore outer click Array no ['.rc-sidebar-safenode']

SCSS Variables


$rc-sidebar-color-header: #F2F2F2; // 头部背景色
$rc-sidebar-color-title: #666666; // 头部标题文字颜色
$rc-sidebar-color-primary: #EB8A00; // 关闭按钮 HOVER 颜色
$rc-sidebar-size-default: 600px; // 默认宽度
$rc-sidebar-size-min: 480px; // 最小宽度
$rc-sidebar-offset-top: 0; // 默认顶部距离
$rc-sidebar-offset-bottom: 1px; // 默认底部距离
$rc-sidebar-zindex: 1001; // 层高


BSD-3-Clause License