
Boilerplate for apps (multiplayer framework) template

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jacekpietalSync from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jacekpietal/sync';



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1. What is @jacekpietal/sync?

  • a boilerplate library / repository
  • simplifier for creating multiplayer games in javascript + node
  • bouncer.js extended class
  • an express-like lib with router
  • a lib with static files served from a folder (config.folder)
  • files served statically are lazily cached out of the box
  • observable mouse events broadcaster from front to backend on uwebsockets
  • a library with microwebsockets integration
  • a lib with a working demo
  • a lib with working tests written in jest

2. Usage

Using as a backend framework / library

$ yarn add @jacekpietal/sync
$ node
const Flow = require("@jacekpietal/sync/flow");
const flow = new Flow({ debug: true, folder: '../' });

Running example (multiplayer $joystick)

$ yarn add @jacekpietal/sync
$ cd node_modules
$ yarn && yarn start

Output of any of above is:

sync 🏄 Starts with config: {
  LOGO: 'sync 🏄',
  port: 8080,
  join: '/join',
  leave: '/leave',
  plugins: { joystick: [Function: echo] },
  idConfig: { lang: 'english', len: 5 },
  debug: true
sync 🏄 Listens on port 8080
  • this created a joystick plugin (websocket room)
  • with bouncer listening on port 8080
  • with express-like router
  • with socket.io-like wrapper
  • for micro-WebSocket as ws handler

Example (multiplayer joystick preview)

"use strict";

import Game from "@jacekpietal/sync/game";
import UWebSocket from "@jacekpietal/bouncer.js/client.js";

const game = new Game();
const pre = document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0];
const state = {};
const address = `ws://${location.hostname}:8080`;
const ws = new UWebSocket(address);

ws.on("*", ({ id, event, data }) => {
  if (event === "/leave") {
    // cleanup
    delete state[id];
  } else {
    // echo on screen
    state[id] = { event, data };
  // update render
  pre.innerText = JSON.stringify(state, null, 2);

ws.onopen = () => {
  // this is possible now
  // ws.emitEvent is like socket.io ws.emit("event", { data })
  ws.emitEvent("/join", "joystick");

  // any change on the game joystick
  // will emit the joystick event to ws server
  game.subject$.subscribe(({ event, data }) => {
    ws.emitEvent(event, data);

The code should explain itself, read this test if nothing else:

3. Tests

$ yarn test
  • runs jest tests, also on circleci.
Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests: 10 passed, 10 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 2.301 s, estimated 20 s
Ran all test suites.
Done in 2.83s.

4. Installation

  • yarn add @jacekpietal/sync --save


  • It is a maintained work in progress.

  • Clone this repository and check out tests and demo to get the hang of it.

  • Better yet, read the docs, and the bouncer.js docs then use as a framework.

  • Star if you like.

5. License

  • Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

  • Just write somewhere in your app that you used this free library. It may be just a developer readme file.