
a simple React utility to add a style guide to a general component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jcblwBox from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jcblw/box';



This is a common component in React style guides like gestalt. It gives a general primitive component that you can pass a bunch of css props to it. What makes this version of box different then other implementations is the ability to extend the box without modifying the core code. See extend

Box is a single element component.


You will need to install these packages since they are peerDependencies.


npm install @jcblw/box --save

and if you do not have react or emotion.

npm install react emotion --save


import { Box } from '@jcblw/box'

export const MyComponent = () => <Box padding="s">A box with padding</Box>

Box has a ton of built in styles and some separate documentation

Changing the underlaying component.

By passing a Component prop to Box you are able to change the underlaying component

<Box Component="div" /> // <div />: default
<Box Component="a" /> // <a />
<Box Component={MyCustomComponent} /> // <MyCustomComponent />

Some quick styles

No property setup for a style and its only going to be used one place? There is a new css prop that can handle that.

<Box css={{ width: '300px' }} />
  <Box css={[{border: '1px solid red'}, {top: 0}]}


Adding to existing styles

There is a couple of ways to extend Box, I think the api will eventually change to something probably more clever.

// Somewhere that is loaded early in your application.
import { styleGuide } from '@jcblw/box'


This modifies the existing style guide for box.

// interface cssChunk {
//   [cssProperty: String]: {
//     [cssValue: String]: EmotionCSSObject
//   }
// }
// example
const colors = { color: { myColor: css({ color: 'tomato' }) } }
// <Box color="myColor" /> // my text is tomato

see more examples

Changing all styles

Right now there is not a way to do this without setting up a proxy component.

import { propsToStyles } from '@jcblw/box/dist/lib/helpers'

const myGetStyles = propsToStyles(customStyleGuide) // load your custom styles here

export const MyBox = props => <Box getStyles={myGetStyles} {...props} />