
Create playground-embeddable files from BuckleScript-compiled libraries

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jchavarriBsPlaygroundBundler from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jchavarri/bs-playground-bundler';



Create browser playground embeddable files from BuckleScript compilation cmi/cmj artifacts.

It includes one binary bsembed that can be called with npx bsembed or yarn run bsembed.


yarn add -D @jchavarri/bs-playground-bundler


npm install --save-dev  @jchavarri/bs-playground-bundler

Now you can run yarn run bsembed -o path/to/embeddedlibs.js or add bsembed -o path/to/embeddedlibs.js to package.json scripts.


bsembed works by checking the key bsembed in package.json. This key should contain the name of the node modules that we want to embed in the playground.


"bsembed": [

bsembed will check node_modules to look for these modules folders, trying to gather all *.cmi and *.cmj files from /lib/bs.

bsembed takes a param -o path/to/embeddedlibs.js to indicate where the resulting file should be added.

After that, just include this file into the playground web page. Note that the resulting code assumes that ocaml.load_modules is available in the global namespace, so it is required to load BuckleScript's playground "core" JavaScript exported file before bsembed resulting file.
