
Adds a new field config "authentication" that should be used to determine if the field should be resolved or not

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jcmNexusPluginFieldAuthentication from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jcm/nexus-plugin-field-authentication';



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This plugin allows to set a authentication property on any field, and it will validate that the user is / is not authenticated before resolving it.

Sample usage:

const User = objectType({
  name: 'User',
  definition(t) {
    // ..

    t.string('email', {
      // this field will only be resolved if the user is authenticated
      authentication: true,

    t.string('email', {
      // this field will only be resolved if the user is NOT authenticated
      authentication: false,

    t.string('email', {
      // this field will only be resolved if the user is authenticated
      //  when they are not, 'random-email@domain.tld' will be returned instead
      authentication: [true, 'random-email@domain.tld'],

    t.string('email', {
      // this field will only be resolved if the user is authenticated
      //  when they are not, an error will be thrown
      authentication: [true, new Error('Something happened!')],

    // you can also pass a resolve like function, their result must be like the value above
    //  or it can also throw an error
    t.string('email', {
      // this field will only be resolved if the user is authenticated
      //  when they are not, an error will be thrown
      authentication: async (root, args, ctx, info) => [false],

The plugin accepts a few options, but the main one is isLogged, which is a resolve like function that you can provide to assert that the client is logged or not. By default it's set to:

(_root, _args, ctx, _info) => !!ctx?.state?.user

Which will work if you are storing the logged user on ctx.state.user. Otherwise you can change it to your own logic.

It's so confusing allowing false in the authentication field!

I agree, in reality I have never had the need to use something other than true | Error