
An easy-to-use and quick form builder using the following React Material UI input components:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jeremylingReactMaterialUiFormBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jeremyling/react-material-ui-form-builder';


React Material UI Form Builder

An easy-to-use and quick form builder with validation using the following React Material UI input components:

  • TextField
  • Select
  • KeyboardDatePicker
  • KeyboardDateTimePicker
  • KeyboardTimePicker
  • Autocomplete
  • Chip
  • Checkbox
  • Radio
  • Switch
  • ImageList
  • Rating

Validation is done using yup.

This project aims to make building standard forms a breeze while leveraging Material UI components to create a more familiar UI. See below for usage examples.


npm install --save @jeremyling/react-material-ui-form-builder

The following packages are peer dependencies and must be installed for this package to be fully functional. To reduce redundant packages, you need not install the peer dependencies of the components listed if not used.

// Required

// Date/Time Pickers

// Rating

// Autocomplete

// Autocomplete DnD

// Rich Text

// Display Media

Usage Example

Suppose you need to submit a form with the following structure:

// Employee
  name: "First Last",
  email: "firstlast@email.com",
  jobId: 1,
  status: "Active",
  skills: ["People Management"],
  subordinates: [2, 3],
  details: {
    joinDate: "2021-01-01",
  profilePicFile: "",

Subordinates are other employees with the same data structure as above. Other data you have include:

const employees = [
    id: 1,
    name: "First Employee"
    id: 2,
    name: "Second Employee"
    id: 3,
    name: "Third Employee"

const jobs = [
    id: 1,
    title: "Manager",
    id: 2,
    title: "Entry Level Staff",

const skills = [
  'Data Entry',
  'People Management',

const statuses = ["Active", "Inactive"];

With the predefined data above, the following functional component illustrates how FormBuilder is used.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import FormBuilder from "@jeremyling/react-material-ui-form-builder";
import _ from "lodash";

export default function EmployeeForm(props) {
  const [form, setForm] = useState({});

  const updateForm = (updates) => {
    const copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(form));
    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(updates)) {
      _.set(copy, key, value);

  const fields = [
      component: "display-text",
      titleProps: {
        variant: "h6",
      title: "Create Employee",
      component: "display-image",
      src: "https://via.placeholder.com/800x450?text=Create+Employee",
      alt: "Create Employee",
      props: {
        style: {
          height: 225,
          width: 400,
          objectFit: "cover",
      // Default component is Material UI's TextField
      attribute: "name",
      label: "Name",
      col: {
        // Here you can specify how many Grid columns the field should take for the corresponding breakpoints
        sm: 6,
      validationType: "string",
      validations: {
        required: true,
        max: 50,
      attribute: "email",
      label: "Email",
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "text-field",
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's TextField component
      validationType: "string",
      validations: {
        required: true,
        email: true,
      attribute: "jobId",
      label: "Job",
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "select",
      options: jobs,
      // If options is an array of objects, optionConfig is required
      optionConfig: {
        key: "id", // The attribute to use for the key required for each option
        value: "id", // The attribute to use to determine the value that should be passed to the form field
        label: "title", // The attribute to use to determine the label for the select option
      attribute: "details.joinDate",
      label: "Join Date",
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "date-picker",
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's KeyboardDatePicker component
      attribute: "status",
      label: "Status",
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "select",
      options: statuses, // optionConfig not required as options is an array of strings
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Select component
      idPrefix: "select",
      attribute: "status",
      title: "Status", // You can omit this if you do not want a title for the field
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "checkbox-group",
      options: ["Active"], // Single option for a single checkbox
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Checkbox component
        onChange: (event) => {
          if (event.target.checked) {
            updateForm("status", "Active");
          } else {
            updateForm("status", "Inactive");
      labelProps: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's FormControlLabel component
        variant: "body2",
      groupContainerProps: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's FormControl component
      idPrefix: "checkbox",
      attribute: "status",
      title: "Status", // You can omit this if you do not want a title for the field
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "radio-group",
      options: statuses,
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Radio component
        color: "secondary",
      labelProps: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's FormControlLabel component
        variant: "body2",
      groupContainerProps: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's FormControl component
        sx: {
          "& .MuiFormControl-root": {
            flexDirection: "row",
      idPrefix: "radio",
      attribute: "status",
      label: "Active",
      col: {
        sm: 6,
      component: "switch",
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Radio component
        color: "secondary",
        checked: _.get(form, "status") === "Active",
        onChange: (event) =>
            ? updateForm("status", "Active")
            : updateForm("status", "Inactive"),
      idPrefix: "switch",
      attribute: "skills",
      label: "Skills",
      col: {
        sm: 12,
      component: "chip-group",
      options: skills, // optionConfig not required as options is an array of strings
      multiple: true, // Allow multiple selections
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Chip component
      groupContainerProps: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's FormControl component
        style: { overflow: auto },
      attribute: "subordinates",
      label: "Subordinates",
      component: "autocomplete",
      options: employees,
      optionConfig: {
        value: "id",
        label: "name",
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by Material UI's Autocomplete component
        autoHighlight: true,
        multiple: true,
        (jobs.find((j) => j.id === form.jobId) || {}).title ===
        "Entry Level Staff", // This will hide the form field if the condition is truthy
      attribute: "profilePicFile",
      label: "Select Image",
      component: "file-upload",
      acceptTypes: "image/*",
      maxSizeMb: 1,
      props: {
        // Here you can pass any props that are accepted by the input component

  return (
      updateForm={(updates) => updateForm(updates)}


Prop Type Default Description
title string undefined Form title
fields array required Array of form fields along with props (details below)
form object required Form object to be filled
updateForm func (updates) => {} Method to update form. updates is an object of the form { [key]: value } and will update all form[key] to value
children node undefined Additional content to the right of the form
index string or number undefined To uniquely identify fields if FormBuilder is used in a loop
idPrefix string undefined To uniquely identify fields if multiple fields use the same attribute

Field Props


Prop Type Default Description
attribute string undefined Form attribute that controls input and is modified by input
label string undefined Component label for text-field, select, autocomplete, autocomplete-dnd, date-picker, date-time-picker, time-picker, switch. Can be omitted if label is not required.
title string undefined Title for component. Can be used to describe input or hold a question.
titleProps object undefined Title props passed to Typography component wrapping title
titleSuffix string undefined Title suffix to append to title. Could be used to denote required fields
titleSuffixProps object undefined Title suffix props passed to Typography component wrapping title suffix
titleContainerProps object undefined Props passed to container wrapping the title and titleSuffix
col object { xs: 12 } Grid columns that component should take
component string text-field One of:
props object undefined Any additional props to pass to the Material UI component
containerProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to the Material UI Grid item that contains the component
hideCondition bool undefined Hides field if truthy
validationType^ string undefined One of: mixed, string, number, date, boolean, array.
validations^ object undefined These are validation options accepted by yup in the form of {validation: arguments}. Arguments can be a string or an array of strings in the order that it is accepted by the yup option. For validations that do not require any arguments, set the argument to true.
customComponent func undefined Function that accepts the props (field, value, updateForm, ref) and returns a node

^See below for examples

Components With Options

This includes select, autocomplete, autocomplete-dnd, chip-group, checkbox-group and radio-group.

Prop Type Default Description
options array [] Required
optionConfig object select, chip-group, checkbox-group, radio-group:
{ key: option, value: option, label: option }
{ value: option, label: option }
Required if options is an array of objects
randomizeOptions bool undefined If true, randomises option order on each render
multiple bool undefined Only for chip-group, checkbox-group. If true, multiple options will be selectible
labelProps object undefined Only for checkbox-group, radio-group. Any additional props to pass to Material UI's FormControlLabel that wraps the label.
groupContainerProps object undefined Only for chip-group, checkbox-group, radio-group. Any additional props to pass to Material UI's FormControlGroup that wraps the individual components within the group.
sortable bool undefined Only for autocomplete-dnd. If true, selected options will be sortable via drag and drop


This includes switch.

Prop Type Default Description
labelProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to Material UI's FormControlLabel that wraps the label.

Date/Time Pickers

This includes date-picker, date-time-picker and time-picker.

Prop Type Default Description
keyboard bool undefined If true, will use the Keyboard equivalent components of the pickers

File Upload

This includes file-upload.

Prop Type Default Description
acceptTypes string or array [".pdf", ".doc", ".docx", ".xml", "application/msword", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", ".xls", ".xlsx", ".csv", "image/*", "audio/*", "video/*"] Concatenated value will be passed as accept prop to input
maxSizeMb number 2 Max size of each uploaded file.
fileType string undefined One of: file, image, audio, video.
imageUrls array undefined If file type is image, you may specify the urls of the existing images here.
imageSize array undefined Size of image preview in the form [width, height]. imageSize supercedes aspectRatio.
aspectRatio array undefined Aspect ratio of image preview in the form [width, height]. imageSize supercedes aspectRatio.

Display Image/Media

This includes display-image and display-media.

Prop Type Default Description
src string undefined Source of image or media.
alt string undefined Only for display-image. Alt passed to img node.
width number undefined Only for display-media. Width of media player.
height number undefined Only for display-media. Height of media player.

Image Picker

This includes image-picker.

Prop Type Default Description
images array undefined This should contain an array of objects with attributes src, label and alt (defaults to label)
imageCols number { xs: 2 } Number of columns in image list. This should be an object with breakpoints xs, sm, md, lg, xl as keys. Columns for each breakpoint default to the previous breakpoint is not specified
labelLines number 2 Number of lines allowed for label
subLabelLines number 2 Number of lines allowed for sublabel
aspectRatio array undefined Aspect ratio of image preview in the form [width, height]. imageSize supercedes aspectRatio.
multiple bool undefined If true, multiple options will be selectible
imageProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to the div component that wraps the img.
labelProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to the Typography component that wraps the label.
subLabelProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to the Typography component that wraps the sublabel.
groupContainerProps object undefined Any additional props to pass to the ImageList component that wraps the individual components within the group.


This includes rating.

Prop Type Default Description
iconColor string undefined Icon colour


This includes counter.

Prop Type Default Description
inputMin number 0 Minimum value allowed
inputMax number 1000000 Maximum value allowed
fontSize number undefined Counter font size

Rich Text

Prop Type Default Description
html string undefined HTML to be deserialized as content. Document takes precedence.
document array undefined Document set as value for the Slate Context Provider. Takes precedence over HTML
onChange func () => {} Method passed to Slate Context Provider's onChange prop
onBlur func (html) => {} Additional method to run triggered by the onBlur event on the wrapper component. By default, the serialized html will be passed as the only argument.
containerProps object undefined Props to pass to the Material UI Paper wrapper
editableProps object undefined Props to pass to the Slate Editable component


Validation is done using yup, which has 6 core types that inherit from the mixed type: string, number, boolean, date, array and object. For this project, it should be sufficient to use only string and number for the various components. In fact, other than the text-field component, it is unlikely you would need any validation beyond required. Here are some examples of how you might use validation.

// Example field 1
  attribute: ...,
  component: 'text-field',
  label: ...,
  validationType: 'string',
  validations: {
    required: true,
    length: 10,
    min: 5,
    max: 20,
    matches: ['/[a-z]/i', 'Can only contain letters'],
    email: true,
    url: true,
    uuid: true,

// Example field 2
  attribute: ...,
  component: 'text-field',
  props: {
    type: 'number',
  label: ...,
  validationType: 'number',
  validations: {
    required: true,
    min: 5,
    max: 20,
    lessThan: 20,
    moreThan: 5,
    positive: true,
    negative: true,
    integer: true,

For dates, most validation can already be done with Material UI's pickers.