
Overlay component that can be opened and closed via OverlayButtons. Supports: - close when user presses esc (optional) - close when user clicks outside (optional) - disable body scroll - any number of open/close/toggle buttons that control the overlay - the use of any background element through a selector and any class on that background element to make it visible

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import joinboxOverlay from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@joinbox/overlay';



Overlay component that can be opened and closed via OverlayButtons. Supports:

  • close when user presses esc (optional)
  • close when user clicks outside (optional)
  • disable body scroll
  • any number of open/close/toggle buttons that control the overlay
  • the use of any background element through a selector and any class on that background element to make it visible


Load <overlay-component> before <overlay-button-component> as the button needs the overlay to exist before it is setup (setModel will not be called if <overlay-component> does not exist).

If you want to disable scroll when the overlay is open, use Body Scroll Lock:

import { disableBodyScroll, enableBodyScroll } from '/body-scroll-lock/lib/bodyScrollLock.es6.js';
const overlay = document.querySelector('#my-overlay-identifier');
overlay.addEventListener('open', disableBodyScroll);
overlay.addEventListener('close', enableBodyScroll);


<overlay-button-component data-overlay-name="myOverlay" data-type="open">
    Open Restricted

    <overlay-button-component data-overlay-name="myOverlay" data-type="close">

<!-- Import all components you use -->
<script src="@joinbox/overlay/OverlayElement.js"></script>
<script src="@joinbox/overlay/OverlayButtonElement"></script>



Exposed Element



  • data-name: Names the overlay; the name must exactly match attribute data-overlay-name on overlay-button-component to be opened/closed by it.
  • data-visible-class-name: Contains the class name that will be added to the overlay when it is opened and removed when it is closed.
  • data-background-selector: Takes any CSS selector and defines the element that will receive data-background-visible-class-name when the overlay opens.
  • data-background-visible-class-name. Defines the class that will be added to the background element when the overlay is opened and removed when the overlay is closed.
  • data-disable-esc: Prevents the overlay from being closed when users press the ESC key. Defaults to false.
  • data-disable-click-outside: Prevents the overlay from being closed when users click with their mouse outside of the overlay. Defaults to false.


  • openOverlay: Dispatched after an overlay is opened; bubbles and has a details object with a name property that corresponds to the overlay's data-name attribute value.
  • closeOverlay: Dispatched after an overlay is closed; bubbles and has a details object with a name property that corresponds to the overlay's data-name attribute value.

Overlay Button

Exposed Element



  • data-overlay-name: Contains the name of the overlay that should be opened or closed. Make sure it exactly matches the attribute data-name on overlay-component.
  • data-type is either close, if the button shall only close the overlay, open if the button shall only open the overlay or toggle if the button shall toggle the overlay. Defaults to toggle.
  • data-open-class-name: Class name that will be added to the button when the overlay is opened.
  • data-closed-class-name: Class name that will be added to the button when the overlay is closed.