
Splits textContent of an HTML element into multiple parts for - letters - words - lines

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import joinboxSplittext from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@joinbox/splittext';



Splits textContent of an HTML element into multiple parts for

  • letters
  • words
  • lines


  • custom functions that wrap the parts into any text provided
  • indices on all types of parts (letters, words and lines)
  • restoring to original content
  • restore on resize and updated split after a certain debounce

By default, all types are wrapped into a span with class letter, word or line and an attribute data-letter-index, data-word-index or data-line-index with the corresponding index that counts up (per HTML element).


  • In order for wrapLine to work, you may not use false as the value for wrapLetter; in other words, every letter must be wrapped for wrapLine to work!
  • splitText does – due to JS restrictions – not work with hyphens. To prevent layout shifts, use e.g. hyphens: none in your CSS for elements that splitText will be applied to.


<div>This is Content.</div>
import splitText from '@joinbox/splittext';
const restore = splitText({
    element: document.querySelector('div'),
    // Pass a custom wrapper function
    wrapLetter: (content, index) => `<div class='my-letter' style='--splitTextIndex: ${index}'>${content}</div>`,
    // Don't wrap words
    wrapWord: false,
    // Prevent restore and update on resize
    updateOnResize: false,
// Restore content of div to original content; this destroys the elements created by splitText.



Pass arguments as an object. The following properties are supported:

  • element (required): the HTML element whose textContent will be split and wrapped
  • wrapLetter, wrapWord and wrapLine:
    • either false if parts should not be wrapped at this level
    • or a function that takes two arguments content and index and is expected to return a string. Defaults to a function (see above).
  • updateOnResize: boolean, defaults to true.

Return Value

Returns a function that, when called, destroys all elements created by splitText. Try to use it as soon as the animations splitText was used for is done to ensure the text is as responsive as possible again.