
JS Design radio web component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import jsdesignJsdRadio from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@jsdesign/jsd-radio';



Simple radio input web-component to be use accross web irrespective of frameworks.


npm install @jsdesign/jsd-radio


Name Type Default Description
id string '' Sets the id attribute for the radio input. Preferred when used inside forms.
name string '' Sets the name attribute for the input. Preferred when used inside forms.
label string '' Label to display for the radio input.
disabled boolean -- When attribute is present, radio input is disabled cannot be interacted with.
required boolean -- When attribute is present, the input field is marked mandatory.
list Array [] Creates the radio list based on this attribute. Should be a array of value string.
inline boolean -- When attribute is present, the radio inputs will be aligned inline.
value string '' Sets the default checked value.
theme string 'light When 'dark', the input will adapt to dark theme.
error-msg string '' When error message string is provided, the radio input will be error themed and error message is displayed.


Default Radio

<jsd-radio id='test' name='test' value='Male' label="gender" list='["Male", "Female", "Other"]' onchange='test(event)'></jsd-radio>

Inline Radio

<jsd-radio id='gender' inline name='gender' label="gender" value='Male' list='["Male", "Female", "Other"]'></jsd-radio>

Radio with error

<jsd-radio id='error' name='error' value='' error-msg="Please select your gender" label="gender" list='["Male", "Female", "Other"]'></jsd-radio>

Disabled Radio

<jsd-radio id='disabled' name='disabled' disabled value='Male' label="gender" list='["Male", "Female", "Other"]'></jsd-radio>

Cutomizable property list

Name Default
--color-primary #1eba68;
--color-primary-dark #1ba75e;
--color-secondary #f6f6f6;
--color-secondary-dark #efefef;
--color-secondary-darktheme rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3);
--color-secondary-dark-darktheme rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6);
--color-error #dd4421;
--color-error-background #ffebe6;
--color-placeholder #737373;
--color-placeholder-disabled #e0e0e0;
--color-placeholder-darktheme #e0e0e0;
--color-label #909090;
--color-black #2c2c2c;
--color-header-black #252525;
--color-header-tag #747373;
--color-white #ffffff;
--color-border #edebeb;
--border-radius 0.5rem;
--border-width 1px;
--border-width-hover 3px;
--label-spacing 0.2rem;
--label-case uppercase;
--label-font-size 0.8rem;
--button-font-weight 500;