
Javascript HTTP client for interacting with restful services

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import justeatFHttp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@justeat/f-http';



Fozzie Bear

Javascript HTTP client for interacting with restful services

npm version CircleCI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities

This package exposes methods for interacting with restful services, it may abstract any number of popular NPM packages which provide the ability to perform GET, PUT, POST, PATH, DELETE requests; while also adding some additional benefits.

Benefits (Now)

  • Easy configuration of reusable clients which can be retrieved from context
  • Enables us to switch to alternative HTTP packages when desired
  • Sensible defaults, with the ability to override everything
  • Ability to set authorisation tokens for all requests for specific clients
  • Ability to automatically collect stats showing how long real API calls take

Benefits (Soon)

  • Opt-in ability to use dynamic timeouts
  • Opt-in automatic providing of diagnostic headers, such as je-conversation
  • Opt-in automatic providing of headers, such as accept-tenant



Install the module using npm or Yarn

yarn add @justeat/f-http


Ideally the package should be initialised by your website and the httpClient placed in context or a prototype, rather than initialising it in each individual component or every time you make a request.

Initialise an httpClient

import httpModule from '@justeat/f-http';

const options = { // Options are described later
    baseUrl: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com'

const httpClient = new httpModule.CreateClient(options);

// WHEN: Using a Nuxt Plugin
inject('http', httpClient);

// WHEN: Using Vue CLI
Vue.prototype.$http = httpClient;

Basic Usage

Recommended: Using the prototype (Vue) or context (Nuxt). You can access $http in components, or anywhere the context is available including vuex modules.

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      apiResult: null
  async mounted () {
    this.apiResult = await this.$http.get('/todos/1');

Alternative Implementation

If you would rather create the HTTPClient when you use it, that's fine too; it just means it can't be reused as easily and you will need to filter the configuration options down to the component.

export default {
  async mounted () {
    const configuration = { // Options are described later
        baseUrl: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com'

    const httpClient = new httpModule.CreateClient(configuration);

    const result = await httpClient.get('/todos/1');

Setting Authorisation Token

You can globally set the authorisation token so that all requests provide it

// Some event happened that means we now have a token
export default {
  mounted () {
    this.$http.setAuthorisationToken('my token');

Unit Testing Guidance

Because $http exists in context, it should be really easy to mock it in any way you want. Check out the example below

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
  mocks: {
    $http: {
      get: jest.fn()

Integration / System Testing Guidance

The module exposes a way to create a MockClient, so you can mock the underlying API with pre-configured responses.

import { httpVerbs, MockFactory, CreateClient } from '@justeat/f-http';

const mockFactory = new MockFactory();
const httpClient = new CreateClient();

const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
  mocks: {
    $http: httpClient

// Reset all previously configured responses

// Setup a fake response
mockFactory.setupMockResponse(httpVerbs.POST, '/URL', REQUEST_DATA, 201);


All options are optional, you don't need to specify any overrides if you are happy with the default values

Option Description Type Default
baseUrl Ensure all requests from this client use a relative url string ''
timeout How long each request takes to timeout number 10000
errorCallback A function you can use to globally handle errors (accepts error object) function null
contentType Specify a value for the content type header string 'application/json'

Client Methods

These are all of the methods exposed by the httpClient

Method Description Parameters
get GET a resource resource URL [string], headers [array]
post POST a resource resource URL [string], body [object], headers [array]
put PUT a resource resource URL [string], body [object], headers [array]
patch PATCH a resource resource URL [string], body [object], headers [array]
delete DELETE a resource resource URL [string], headers [array]
setAuthorisationToken Set the authorisation token for all requests authorisationToken [string]
readConfiguration Returns the provided options None