
Fozzie Link - Fozzie link component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import justeatFLink from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@justeat/f-link';



Fozzie Bear

Fozzie link component

npm version CircleCI Coverage Status Known Vulnerabilities



Install the module using npm or Yarn:

yarn add @justeat/f-link
npm install @justeat/f-link

Vue Applications

You can import it in your Vue SFC like this (please note that styles have to be imported separately):

import VLink from '@justeat/f-link';
import '@justeat/f-link/dist/f-link.css';

export default {
    components: {

If you are using Webpack, you can import the component dynamically to separate the v-link bundle from the main bundle.client.js:

import '@justeat/f-link/dist/f-link.css';

export default {
    components: {
        // …
        VLink: () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "v-link" */ '@justeat/f-link')



There may be props that allow you to customise its functionality.

The props that can be defined are as follows (if any):

Prop Type Default Description
href / to String n/a (this is an expected attribute rather than a required prop) The URL or path of the link. Pass in href for <a>, or to for <router-link>.
isExternalSite Boolean false Sets aria description to 'Opens and external site' or 'Opens and external site in a new window/screen/tab' depending on target of link.
isBold Boolean false Sets link text to bold.
hasTextDecoration Boolean true Adds underline to link text.
isFullWidth Boolean false Link set as full width.
noLineBreak Boolean false Removes white space.
isDistinct Boolean false Changes default link colour (dark grey) to blue.
link-class String n/a (this is an optional attribute rather than a required prop) Allows parent component to add a CSS class to the <a> or <router-link>


Start by cloning the repository and installing the required dependencies:

$ git clone git@github.com:justeat/fozzie-components.git
$ cd fozzie-components
$ yarn

Change directory to the f-link package:

$ cd packages/components/atoms/f-link


Unit, Integration and Contract

To test all components, run from root directory. To test only f-link, run from the ./fozzie-components/packages/components/atoms/f-link directory.

yarn test

Component Tests

# Run Component tests for all components
# Note: Ensure Storybook is not running when running the following commands
cd ./fozzie-components

yarn storybook:build
yarn storybook:serve-static
yarn test-component:chrome


# Run Component tests for f-link
# Note: Ensure Storybook is not running when running the following commands
cd ./fozzie-components/packages/components/atoms/f-link
yarn test-component:chrome

Documentation to be completed once module is in stable state.