
Hello World addon for storybook

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kadiraStorybookAddonHello from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kadira/storybook-addon-hello';


Hello World Addon

NOTE This is an example addon for Kadira Storybooks. Check the source code (and comments) to learn how to write addons. Also serves as a boilerplate for new addons.

The Hello World addon can be used to display a simple text message set by stories. This addon works with both React Storybook and React Native Storybook.

Getting Started

First, install the addon

npm install -D @kadira/storybook-addon-hello

Add this line to your addons.js file (create this file inside your storybook config directory if needed).

import '@kadira/storybook-addon-hello/register';

Import the hello function and use it to create actions handlers. When creating action handlers, provide a string which should be visible on the panel.

import { storiesOf } from '@kadira/storybook'
import { hello } from '@kadira/storybook-addon-hello'

storiesOf('Button', module)
  .add('default view', () => (
    <Button onClick={ hello('Hello World') }>
      Hello World!