
A database and Koa helper for KAS.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import keeerKasHelper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@keeer/kas-helper';


KAS Helper for Node

This is a wrapper around @keeer/kas-client with a user model, for the ease of use in a typical monolithic Node + Koa + database web application.


npm i @keeer/kas-helper


See example/index.js.


Class: KASHelper


new KASHelper()

Creates a helper object. For accurate typings see the ts definition.


Name Type Attributes Description
options.base string KAS base URL
options.upsert function the callback to upsert a user, signature: async KASUser => any
options.get function the callback to get a user, signature: async (token: string) => KASUser
options.token string the service token for KAS, you need it if you want kiuid
authenticate([kiuid]) → {KoaMiddleware}

Returns an authentication middleware, will set the user at ctx.state.user.


Name Type Attributes Default Description
kiuid boolean false should we fetch the KEEER ID?

Returns: KoaMiddleware

requireKeeerId([unauthorizedCallback]) → {KoaMiddleware}

Returns an middleware to call the callback if KEEER ID is not set in or next otherwise. Note: this middleware asserts that the user is already logged in. Failure of this assumption will lead to an error.


Name Type Attributes Description
unauthorizedCallback function the function to call if no KEEER ID is set, defaults to redirect to the set KEEER ID page

Returns: KoaMiddleware

requireKiuid() → {KoaMiddleware}

Returns an middleware to ensure that kiuid is set. Note: this middleware asserts that the user is already logged in. Failure of this assumption will lead to an error.

Returns: KoaMiddleware

requireLogin([unauthorizedCallback]) → {KoaMiddleware}

Returns an middleware to call the callback if not logged in or next otherwise.


Name Type Attributes Description
unauthorizedCallback function the function to call if unauthorized, defaults to set the status to 400

Returns: KoaMiddleware

(async) userFromContext(ctx, [kiuid]) → {KASUser|null}

Gets the user from a given context.


Name Type Attributes Default Description
ctx any Koa context
kiuid boolean false should we fetch the KEEER ID?

Returns: KASUser | null, returns null if not logged in

(async) userFromToken(token, [kiuid]) → {KASUser|null}

Gets the user from a given token.


Name Type Attributes Default Description
token string KAS account token
kiuid boolean false should we fetch the KEEER ID?

Returns: KASUser | null, returns null if not logged in

Class: KASUser


A user with a token.

(async) fetchKiuid() → {string}

Fetches kiuid and returns it.

Returns: string, kiuid

(async) pay(amount) → {boolean}

Let the user pay for something. This function will use KEEER ID to pay if it presents, or else it will use kiuid.


Name Type Description
amount number Amount of centi-kredits to pay

Returns: boolean, true for success, false for insufficient kredit

Throws: on other exceptions

(async) save()

Saves this user.