
Language selector component for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kekalmaLanguageSelector from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kekalma/language-selector';


Language selector menu for React

A flexible language selector component for React, where you can change the format and the look with many options. The actual state is stored in a context, whose value can be used in other parts of the project.
Part of the @kekalma component family.

Usage examples

The following simple code example demonstrates the use of the language selector, with separate (optional) context and an event handler function.
You should use at least one of context or onLanguageChange properties.



The <LanguageSelector> component can be placed into an <ul> element, as it produces a list item.

import React,{useState} from 'react'
import {LanguageSelector as Language, emptyLanguage} from '@kekalma/language-selector'
import type { languageType } from '@kekalma/language-selector'
import { languageContext } from './context'
import Info from './Info'
import { languages } from './languageList'

export default function App() {
  const [selectedLanguage, setSelectedLanguage] = useState<languageType>(emptyLanguage);
  const changeHandler = (newLang: languageType, oldLang: languageType) => {
    console.log("The language has been changed: ", oldLang.name, " -> ", newLang.flag)
  return (
    <languageContext.Provider value={{language: selectedLanguage, setLanguage: setSelectedLanguage}}>
    <Info context={languageContext}/>


import React from 'react'
import type { languageType } from '@kekalma/language-selector'

export const languages: languageType[] = [
  { "code": "hu","name": "Hungarian" },
  { "code": "de","name": "German" },
  { "code": "en","name": "US English","flag": "us" },
  { "code": "en","name": "British English","flag": "gb" },
  { "code": "fr","name": "French" }

Note the use of the 'flag' property. It is only necessary, if the same language may be used with a different flag from country to country. The flag is the key, it should be unique!


import React, {createContext} from 'react'
import type {languageType, languageContextType } from '@kekalma/language-selector'
import {emptyLanguage } from '@kekalma/language-selector'

export const languageContext = createContext<languageContextType>({
  language: emptyLanguage,
  setLanguage: (value: languageType):void =>{}


In this component you get an example, how to use the value from the context.

import React, {useContext} from 'react'
import { languageContext } from './context'
import {languageContextType} from '@kekalma/language-selector'

type myProps = { context: React.Context<languageContextType> }

export default function Info(props : myProps) {
  const { language : selectedLanguage } = useContext(props.context)
  return (
    <span style={{margin: "0 5px"}}>Selected language: {selectedLanguage.name} ({selectedLanguage.code}_{selectedLanguage.flag})</span>

The currently selected value is stored in the following format (languageType):

  code: string,   // ISO language code (2 chars)
  name: string,   // Language name
  flag: string    // Flag code (2 chars)

Property parameters

Only the bold properties are obligatory, all others are optional, but you should use one of context or onLanguageChange.

property format Description
languages languageType[ ] (Required) The JSON list of the languages, defined in the example file above.
selectedLanguageFlag flagCodeType The initialy selected language. Default: first item.
flagCodeType: The string literal values of useable flag codes.
context React.Context
Required. The context, to store the state and the handler. See the above example for the format.
onLanguageChange Function
(newLanguage: languageType, oldLanguage: languageType)
The callback function for the change event. It is called with two parameters, holding the new and the old language objects.
titleFormat string A definition of the freely formatted label text, put together with \|Flag\| \|Name\| \|Code\| \|FlagCode\| placeholder, where Flag represents the flag icon.
menuFormat string - same as the above -
align left - left aligned
right - right aligned
center - centered
auto - automaticaly aligned right if it is the last item in the list
center auto - center aligned, but automaticaly aligned right if it is the last item in the list
format dropdown : classic dropdown menu
dropdown-ordered : dropdown, but the currently selected item is not listed
flat : the selectable items appear in a row, under the title
flat-reverse : same as the previous, but right aligned
linear : the items are shown permanently in a row
linear-ordered : same as before, but the selected item comes first in the list
horizontal : same as the previous, but the list is shown only upon hover
horizontal-reverse : same as the previous, but right aligned
titleFont string CSS font type, like "1rem bold Verdana"
titleFontColor string CSS font color, like "#11F"
titleFontColorHover string CSS font color during hover
titleBgColor string CSS background color
titleBgColorHover string CSS background color during hover
titleFlagSize number The size of the flag icon in pixels (without any dimension)
menuFont string CSS font type for the menu items
menuFontColor string CSS font color
menuFontColorHover string CSS font color during hover
menuFontColorSelected string CSS font color of the currently selected item
menuBgColor string CSS background color for the menu items
menuBgColorHover string CSS background color for the menu items during hover
menuBgColorSelected string CSS background color for the currently selected menu item
menuFlagSize number The size of the flag icon in pixels (without any dimension)
menuStyleSelected CSSProperties Inline CSS definition for the currently selected menu item
titleStyle CSSProperties Inline CSS definition for the title
menuStyle CSSProperties Inline CSS definition for the list items
style CSSProperties Global inline CSS definiton object

Exported items:

exported item type description
languageProps type All the properties listed above.
languageContextType type Context type definition.
languageType type Type holding the language properties: code, name, flag.
flagCodeType type The string literal values of useable flag codes.
emptyLanguage object The type languageType with empty values.
getLanguageByCode function Usage: getLanguageByCode(languages: languageType[], code: flagCodeType): languageType
Input: Use the array from props.languages and the 2 character language or flag ISO code as flagCodeType.
Return: An object of type languageType or if the code is not found, the emptyLanguage.

Format examples with property code samples:



titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name| (|Code|_|FlagCode|)"



titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name|"



titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name|"


titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name|"


titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name|"



titleFormat="|Flag| |Name|"
menuFormat="|Flag| |Name|"

## __`Changelog:`__
Version What's new, description
1.0.0 First official, working release.
1.0.1 Exporting the function getLanguageByCode and the type flagCodeType


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