
Kellerkinder Stylelint configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kellerkinderStylelintConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kellerkinder/stylelint-config';


Kellerkinder Stylelint Config

npm version

This package provides the Kellerkinder Stylelint configuration supporting SCSS as well as TailwindCSS. It is based on the Stylelint Standard with slight alterations.


This config has been developed and tested with the following requirements:

  • NodeJS >= 12
  • Stylelint >= 13.0.0


In order to use this configuration, run the following scripts in your NodeJS project:

$ npm i -D stylelint stylelint-config-standard @kellerkinder/stylelint-config


You can use this configuration by creating an .stylelintrc.json inside your project's root directory that is extending this configuration.

    "extends": ["@kellerkinder/stylelint-config"]

You can now execute Stylelint by running the following script:

$ npx stylelint src/

The src/ directory can be replaced with the directory or file you want to lint.

If you want Stylelint to try to fix the errors it found, execute the following command:

$ npx stylelint src/ --fix

Alternatively, refer to your IDE's documentation to find out, if and how Stylelint is integrated.


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning. Please refer to the CHANGELOG.md for detailed changes and migration instructions.
