
@kirei/html ==========================

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kireiHtml from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kirei/html';



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A uhtml inspired render library with customizable directives, built in TypeScript.


npm i @kirei/html

or if you use yarn

yarn add @kirei/html


import { html, svg, render, customize } from '@kirei/html';

html( strings, ...values )

Creates a html template from a string literal

Returns: Template instance of type html


  • strings {TemplateStringsArray} - String glue
  • values {any[]} - Interpolated values

svg( strings, ...values )

Creates a svg template from a string literal

Returns: Template instance of type svg


  • strings {TemplateStringsArray} - String glue
  • values {any[]} - Interpolated values

render( template, root [, renderOptions] )

Renders a template to a specific root container

Returns: TemplateRenderer, object with 3 properties: html, svg and render.


  • template {Template|Node} - Template or Node to render from
  • root {Element|ShadowRoot|DocumentFragment} - Root node to render content to
  • renderOptions {RenderOptions} - Custom render options, not rquired but used for web components shims
  • renderOptions.scopeName {string} - Scope name to inform what tagName the targeted root has, only required if the root is a ShadowRoot for ShadyDOM/ShadyCSS to apply correctly.
  • renderOptions.mount {boolean} - If false render will only compile the template and not render to root. Essentially preparing for a render but not actually applying it, defaults to true

customize( opts )

Customizes a template rendered to define a compiler and static literals

Returns: Custom template renderer


  • opts {CustomizeOptions} - Custom compiler options
  • opts.compiler {TemplateCompiler} - Custom compiler to use instead of the default, will fallback to defaults if compiler does not implement all the members
  • opts.literals {TemplateLiteral} - Helper methods to assign to the returned TemplateLiteral as static members


import { html, render } from '@kirei/html';

// variables to hold state
const title = 'Hello world!';
const list = [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ];
let count = 0;
let value = '';

// Event handlers
function onClick(e) {
  // Click handler to update the counter

function onInput(e) {
  // Update "value" on input event
  value = e.currentTarget.value;

// Function to run updates on the template
function update() {
  const template = html`
    <button @click=${onClick}>Clicked ${count} times</button>

    <p>Checkout this cool list</p>
      ${list.map(item => html`<li>${item}</li>`)}

    <label for="input">Write something</label>
    <input id="input" .value=${value} @input=${onInput}>
    <p>Input: ${value}</p>

  // Change document.body to valid Node that support childNodes
  // render remembers the last render cycle and only patches the dynamic data
  render(template, document.body);

// run initial render
