
wrap sync/async js functions with before and after processing

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import klnyFunctionWrapper from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@klny/function-wrapper';



Wrap sync/async js functions with before and after processing


  1. Install or copy src/wrapper to your project.
  2. Import package for example as "wrapper".
  3. Use "wrapper" to add functions to be executed before/after your function.

Imported "wrapper" is a function:

function wrapper(func, before, after, wrap = true, cond = (args) => true) {};
  • func - your function to be wrapped
  • before - function to be executed before your function
  • after - function to be executed after your function
  • wrap - optional, boolean to control wrapping (default true - always wrap)
  • cond - optional, function to control wrapper during execution (default true - always execute)


Wrap any sync/async function...

const wrap = require('@klny/function-wrapper');

// this is your original function
function yourFunction(x) {
  console.log(' - Your function was executed with x = ' + x + '. Returning ' + x + '.');
  return x;

// this will be executed before your function
function before(args) {
  console.log(' - Executing some code before your function. Arguments: ' + JSON.stringify(args) + '. Returning 7.');
  return 7;

// this will be executed after your function
function after(beforeResult, args) {
  console.log(' - Executing some code after your function. Before function returned: ' + beforeResult + '. Arguments: ' + JSON.stringify(args) + '.');

// wrapped version of your function
const wrappedFunc = wrap(yourFunction, before, after);
module.exports = wrappedFunc;

// test
console.log('Testing wrappedFunc(21).');
Testing wrappedFunc(21).
 - Executing some code before your function. Arguments: {"0":21}. Returning 7.
 - Your function was executed with x = 21. Returning 21.
 - Executing some code after your function. Before function returned: 7. Arguments: {"0":21}.
Your function result: 21.
  • You have access to wrapped function arguments in before and after functions.
  • You can use result of before function in after function.

Test function performance with wrapper

// expensive fibonacci function
function fib(x) {
  if (x <= 1) return x;
  return fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2);

// performance test wrapper
const perfTest = wrap(fib, () => Date.now(), (startedAt, args) => {
  const execTime = Date.now() - startedAt;
  console.log(' - execution of ' + perfTest.name + ' with arguments ' + JSON.stringify(args) + ' took ' + execTime + ' [ms]');

console.log('Testing performance of fib(39).');
console.log('Fibonacci result: ' + perfTest(39) + '.');
Testing performance of fib(39).
 - execution of fib with arguments {"0":39} took 634 [ms]
Fibonacci result: 63245986.
  • Wrapped function has the same name as your original function.

Conditional wrapping

There are two optional parameters to control wrapper's functionality.

wrap [true/false]

Wrap-time condition to skip wrapping completely. Original function will be returned when false.
Can be used to add wrapper's functionality in development environment or in debug mode only.

// will wrap function in development only
module.exports = wrap(myFunction, before, after, process.env === 'development');

cond [function returning true/false]

Execution-time condition.
Skips before/after processing during function execution when false.
Cond is a function with access to arguments. Should return boolean.

// will execute before/after function only when called with argument > 10
module.exports = wrap(myFunction, before, after, true, (args) => args[0] > 10);


$ npm install @klny/function-wrapper

Or just copy ./src/wrapper.js to your project.


  • sync/async functions support
  • before/after processing
  • preserves function name
  • access to original function arguments in before/after functions
  • access to before function results in after function
  • wrap-time and execution-time conditions to skip wrapper's functionality
