
Singly Linked List Implemented in Javascript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kumarxSinglyLinkedList from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kumarx/singly-linked-list';



Javascript Implementation of Singly Linked List

Installation & Usage :

npm install @kumarx/singly-linked-list

 const SinglyLinkedList = require('@kumarx/singly-linked-list');
 let list = new SinglyLinkedList();

 list.push(1); //Pushes value to the list
 list.pop(); // Delete value from the end of the list
 list.shift(); // Delete value from the start of the list
 list.unshift(1); // Adds value at the start of the list
 list.get(1); // Retrives value at the given index
 list.reverse(); // Reverses the list
 list.insert(1, 20); // list.insert(index, value) -> Inserts value at the given index
 list.set(1, 12); // list.set(index, value) ->  Replaces or set's value at the given index
 list.length; // Gives you length of the list
 list.head; // Gives you head of the list
 list.tail; // Gives you tail of the list