
Common tools used for the apostrophe cms plugins from kwsites

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import kwsitesCmsCommon from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@kwsites/cms-common';



Utilities depended upon by many of the @kwsites/cms-* modules.

Getting Started

Initialise the module in your app.js before any other @kwsites/cms- modules:

  modules: {
    '@kwsites/cms-common': {},
    // ... other @kwsites/cms-* modules

The @kwsites/cms-common module uses the moog bundle option to improve some of the apostrophe internal modules to add the features other modules then depend upon. Full details below:


@kwsites/cms-common adds variables and mixins for use in the .less files of your application or the modules it imports.

Most importantly, this module adds the variables used in layouts, to override these values set their values in your own project as lib/modules/apostrophe-assets/public/css/kwsites/mixins.less:

/* pixel widths to use to determine the @media queries for mobile, tablet, desktop
   and not-mobile (which covers both tablet and desktop) */
@website-width:            1200px;
@mobile-site-width:        414px; 

/* padding to use in components, the small/large padding variants are set as being
   a half / double the default padding size unless explicitly specified */
@padding-size:             1rem;

@padding-size-s:           @padding-size / 2;
@padding-size-l:           @padding-size * 2;