
A higher-order component to await all props before rendering your component

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lbfalvyReactAwait from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lbfalvy/react-await';



the sensible solution to asynchronity in JSX

What it does

React-await allows you to handle promises and data loading with as little hassle as possible.

Why not Suspense?

Suspense is good in the narrow set of cases where it's usable, but it requires special effort from the library creator and dictates a particular data fetching strategy. This component is far more general than that. I've successfully used it to wait for HTTP requests, particular websocket messages, WebRTC connections and user decisions, but it's usable for code-splitting and pretty much any use case when you want to render something from promises or obtainers.

Additionally, Await also solves the waterfall issue with SSR simply by motivating you to fetch data and components together. While this approach is slower than Suspense with Relay, it's a lot more modular and flexible.

How to use it

Pass it whatevver component you want to render once the data is ready in the for prop. Add any other props directly to the component. For a parameter called foo, the following variants are accepted:

  • The value itself under its own name
  • A promise under the value's name
  • A function that returns either the value or a promise to it, under the name obtainFoo. Note that the name is turned to uppercase, and the function will be re-run whenever it changes
  • An array containing a function on the 0th position followed by its dependencies, under the name obtainFoo.

The above rules can also be applied to the for prop. In addition, if for turns out to be an object with the property default, that property is used instead. This serves to make code-splitting with ES modules easier.

WARNING: these are directly mapped to useCallback, so never under any circumstances switch a prop between obtainer form and other forms between renders, as doing so violates the rules of hooks.

Custom loader and error, object children

You can specify a custom loader and error by passing an object to children and using the properties loader and error which both take ReactNodes. If you also want to pass children to the wrapped component, you can use children.with. If you set children to an object that doesn't have the property with, the wrapped component will receive the whole object. You can cover every corner case by passing exactly what you want relayed to with, but most of the time the default should just work.


<Await for={MyComponent} one={1} obtainTwo={[() => api.getTwo(), api]} three={globalFuncGet3} />
<Await obtainFor={[() => import('./MyComponent.mjs')]} />
<Await obtainFor={[() => customFetchComponent('MyComponent')]} />
<Await for={MyComponent}>some children</Await>
<Await for={MyComponent}>{{
  with: <>some children</>
  loader: <>Loading some parent...</>
  error: <FancyErrorMessage />
<Await for={Chat} obtainChildren={[() => fetchChildren()]}>{{
  loader: <Spinner />
  error: <Popup text='Failed to load messages' />

Additional features

If you want to re-fetch your data, you can either call the reload function prop within the rendered component or the reload() function on the ref from the parent component. This function never overrides any existing props or ref properties. Refs are forwarded in such a way that instanceof checks continue to work and hasOwnProperty or in works if and only if the ref object has no prototype.