
LCAP Circular Progress

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lcapUiCircularProgress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lcap-ui/circular-progress';


Circular Progress

Circular progress indicators display progress by animating an indicator along an invisible circular track in a clockwise direction. They can be applied directly to a surface, such as a button or card.

  • Module @lcap-ui/circular-progress
  • Import styles:
    • Using CSS Loader
      • import '@lcap-ui/circular-progress/styles';
    • Or include stylesheets
      • '@lcap-ui/circular-progress/circular-progress.css'

Basic Usage

<CircularProgress />
  <CircularProgress progress={0.3} />
  <CircularProgress progress={0.6} />
  <CircularProgress progress={0.9} />


  <CircularProgress size="xsmall" />
  <CircularProgress size="small" />
  <CircularProgress size="medium" />
  <CircularProgress size="large" />
  <CircularProgress size="xlarge" />
  <CircularProgress size={72} />

Usage with other components

    icon={<CircularProgress theme="secondary" />}

    <SimpleListItem graphic={<CircularProgress />} text="Pizza" />
    <SimpleListItem graphic="favorite" text="Icecream" />

  <Chip icon={<CircularProgress />} label="Donuts" />


A Circular Progress indicator.


Name Type Description
max undefined \| number Max value for determinate progress bars.
min undefined \| number Min value for determinate progress bars.
progress undefined \| number Value for determinate progress bars.
size "xsmall" \| "small" \| "medium" \| "large" \| "xlarge" \| number The size of the loader you would like to render.