
Angular HttpClient simplifier

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lcgroupCoreApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lcgroup.core/api';



Angular 9+ HttpClient wrapper for simplify usage


  • endpoint setup
  • serializing libraries support
  • asp.net web api query string format

Endpoint setup

Setted up endpoint will prepend any request with relative url: '/exaple'. Absolute urls in request would not be prepended or modified: 'https://www.yandex.ru/api'. Endpoint is optional: if you don't specify it, requests will be relative to the current domain.


Serialization/deserialization mechanism for your requests to automaticaly convert classes to request json and then convert response json to your domain classes. Use any serializer that fits ISerializer interface. For example json2typescript or your custom serializer.

export interface ISerializer {
    serialize(data: any): any;
    deserialize(data: any, T?: { new (): any; }): any;

Query string builder

Native angular HttpClient query string params builder was changed to custom (WebApiHttpParams) due incorrect query string binding with asp.net web api. WebApiHttpParams requrcively analyses any complex object and builds correct query string.

it('should serialize complex object to query string', () => {
      const complexObj: any = {
          numeric: 1,
          float: 1.40,
          string: 'text',
          subObject: {
              prop1: 'a',
              prop2: 'b'
          arrayPrimitive: [1],
          arrayObjects: [
                  value: 1
                  value: 2

      const params = new WebApiHttpParams({ fromObject: complexObj });


Installation via npm npm install @lcgroup.core/api.


Example json2typescript library:

import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { ApiModule, SERIALIZER_OPTIONS } from '@lcgroup.core/api';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { JsonConvert, ValueCheckingMode } from 'json2typescript';

export function serializerFactory() {
    const jsonConverter = new JsonConvert();
    jsonConverter.ignorePrimitiveChecks = true;
    jsonConverter.valueCheckingMode = ValueCheckingMode.ALLOW_NULL;
    return jsonConverter;

  declarations: [
  imports: [
            serializeProvider: {
              provide: SERIALIZER_OPTIONS,
              useFactory: serializerFactory
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Deserialize json to ClientsFilterResult:

export class ClientsService {
  constructor(private api: Api) { }

  public getClientsList(filter: ClientInfoFilterDto): Observable<ClientsFilterResult> {
    return this.api.post(`/clients/search`, filter, { deserializeTo: ClientsFilterResult });