
LeafyGreen UI Kit Icon Buttons

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leafygreenUiIconButton from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@leafygreen-ui/icon-button';



npm (scoped)

View on MongoDB.design



yarn add @leafygreen-ui/icon-button


npm install @leafygreen-ui/icon-button


import EllipsisIcon from '@leafygreen-ui/icon/dist/Ellipsis';
import IconButton from '@leafygreen-ui/icon-button';

<IconButton darkMode={true} aria-label="Some Menu">
  <EllipsisIcon />

Output HTML

<button aria-disabled="false" class="leafygreen-ui-194rp0y" aria-label="Some Menu>
  <div class="leafygreen-ui-1rvdyoi">
    <svg width="16px" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" version="1.1">
        <path fill="#89989B"></path>


Prop Type Description Default
darkMode boolean Determines whether or not the IconButton will appear in darkMode. false
onClick function The event handler function for the 'onclick' event. Receives the associated event object as the first argument.
disabled boolean Disables the <IconButton /> false
href string If a href is supplied, the component renders inside of an a tag instead of inside of a button tag.
className string Adds a className to the class attribute on the container element.
children node Content rendered inside of the <IconButton /> component
size 'default', 'large', 'xlarge' Determines the size of the IconButton 'default'
active boolean Determines whether the <IconButton /> will appear active false
aria-label or aria-labelledby string One of these must be provided. See note below
... native anchor or button attributes Any other properties will be spread on the rendered HTML element or component.

Special Case: Aria Labels

Either aria-label or aria-labelledby must be provided a string, or there will be a console error. This is to ensure that screenreaders have a description for what the button does, since the button itself doesn't contain any text.

Any other properties will be spread on the container element.