
leafyGreen UI Kit Text Input

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leafygreenUiTextInput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@leafygreen-ui/text-input';


Text Input

npm (scoped)

View on MongoDB.design



yarn add @leafygreen-ui/text-input


npm install @leafygreen-ui/text-input

Peer Dependencies

Package Version
@leafygreen-ui/leafygreen-provider ^1.1.0


import TextInput from '@leafygreen-ui/text-input';

const [value, setValue] = useState('');

return (
    description="Enter your email below"
    onChange={event => {
      /* Something to handle the change event */

Output HTML

<div class="leafygreen-ui-4t2zpc">
  <label for="text-input-2604213" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie388"> Email </label>
  <p class="leafygreen-ui-1vlu192">Enter your email below</p>
  <div class="leafygreen-ui-lzja97">
    <div data-leafygreen-ui="icon-selector" class="leafygreen-ui-m329s1"></div>
    <div class="leafygreen-ui-1andb55"></div>


Prop Type Description Default
id string id associated with the TextInput component.
label string Text shown in bold above the input element.
description string Text that gives more detail about the requirements for the input.
optional boolean Marks the input as optional false
disabled boolean Disabled the input false
onChange function The event handler function for the 'onchange' event. Accepts the change event object as its argument and returns nothing.
onBlur function The event handler function for the 'onblur' event. Accepts the focus event object as its argument and returns nothing.
placeholder string The placeholder text shown in the input field before the user begins typing.
errorMessage string Text that gives more detail about the requirements for the input.
state 'none', 'valid', 'error' Describes the state of the TextInput element before and after the input has been validated 'none'
value string Sets the HTML value attribute. ''
className string Adds a className to the class attribute. ''
type 'email', 'password', 'search', 'text', 'url', 'tel', 'number' Sets type for TextInput 'text'
darkMode boolean Determines whether or not the component will appear in dark mode. false
sizeVariant 'xsmall', 'small', 'default', 'large', Sets the side padding, text size, and input height. default
baseFontSize 14, 16 Determines the base font-size of the component if the sizeVariant prop is set to default 14
... native input attributes Any other props will be spread on the root input element

Special Case: Aria Labels

Either label or aria-labelledby must be provided a string, or there will be a console error. This is to ensure that screenreaders have a description for what the Text Input does.