
PDF Generator invoice template with basic configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import leancodeplInvoiceTemplate from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@leancodepl/invoice-template';



Invoice templates created with react.


Basic template component creates a document with logo, dates, seller and buyer info, and summary.

type InvoiceBaseProps = {
    localizationOptions: LocalizationOptions;
    invoiceValues: InvoiceValues;
    invoiceItemsTable: TableDataProp;
    taxesTable?: TableDataProp;

type LocalizationOptions = {
    locale: string;
    currency: string;
    dateFormat: string;
    documentDateLabel: string;
    sellDateLabel: string;
    dueDateLabel: string;
    paymentMethodLabel: string;
    sellerLabel: string;
    buyerLabel: string;
    totalLabel: string;

type InvoiceValues = {
    logo?: ReactNode;
    invoiceTitle: ReactNode;
    documentDate: Date;
    sellDate: Date;
    dueDate: Date;
    paymentMethod: ReactNode;
    seller: ReactNode;
    buyer: ReactNode;
    total: ReactNode;

type TableDataProp = {
    columns: TableColumns;
    data: TableData;

type TableColumns = {
    title: string;
    dataIndex: string;
    alignment?: "left" | "center" | "right";
    width?: string;

type TableData = Record<string, string>[];

The type of component's props.


Info about the

  • locale (eg. en_EN, learn more about locales here)
  • currency, currency code (eg. EUR, list)
  • date format, use the format compatible with date-fns documentation
  • all the labels texts

Values of all the fields and a logo.


Takes columns and data (rows). Elements of TableData array consist of key-value pairs, where key should be equal to the dataIndex of chosen column.

InvoiceBase example


const localizationOptions: LocalizationOptions = {
    locale: "en-EN",
    currency: "EUR",
    dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-d",
    documentDateLabel: "Document date:",
    sellDateLabel: "Sell date:",
    dueDateLabel: "Due date:",
    paymentMethodLabel: "Payment method:",
    sellerLabel: "Seller",
    buyerLabel: "Buyer",
    totalLabel: "Total:",

const invoiceValues: InvoiceValues = {
    invoiceTitle: "Invoice 123/2020",
    documentDate: new Date(),
    sellDate: new Date(),
    dueDate: new Date(),
    paymentMethod: "cash",
    seller: "name",
    buyer: "name",
    total: "€14,999.00",

const invoiceItemsTable: TableDataProp = {
    columns: [
            title: "Index",
            dataIndex: "index",
            alignment: "right",
            width: "18pt",
            title: "Name",
            dataIndex: "name",
            alignment: "left",
    data: [
            index: "1",
            name: "name 1",
            index: "2",
            name: "name 2",


Extended version of InvoiceBase, it takes info about taxes, creates the table out of it, and calculates all the values automatically.

type InvoiceTemplateProps = {
    localizationOptions: LocalizationOptions;
    invoiceItemsTableData: InvoiceItemsTableData;
    taxesData: TaxesData;
    invoiceItemsTableLabels: InvoiceItemsTableLabels;
    taxesTableLabels: TaxesTableLabels;
    invoiceValues: InvoiceTemplateValues;

type InvoiceItemsTableData = {
    name: string;
    count: number;
    priceEach: number;
    taxKey: string;

type InvoiceItemsTableLabels = {
    index: string;
    name: string;
    unit: string;
    count: string;
    netValueEach: string;
    taxRate: string;
    netValue: string;
    grossValue: string;

type TaxesData = Record<string, number>;

type TaxesTableLabels = {
    taxRate: string;
    netValue: string;
    taxValue: string;
    grossValue: string;
    total: string;

type InvoiceTemplateValues = Omit<InvoiceValues, "total">;

Data for invoice items table, taxKey should be one of the keys specified in TaxesData.


Keeps percentage values of taxes.

InvoiceItemsTableLabels and TaxesTableLabels

Labels for both of the columns.


Same as InvoiceValues, but without a total field, since total is being calculated.

InvoiceTemplate example


const invoiceItemsTableData: InvoiceItemsTableData = [
        name: "name1",
        count: 10,
        priceEach: 150.0,
        taxKey: "tax1",
        name: "name2",
        count: 10,
        priceEach: 200.0,
        taxKey: "tax1",
        name: "name3",
        count: 5,
        priceEach: 100.0,
        taxKey: "tax2",

const taxesData: TaxesData = {
    tax1: 23,
    tax2: 50,

const invoiceItemsTableLabels = {
    index: "Index",
    name: "Name",
    unit: "Unit",
    count: "Count",
    netValueEach: "Net value each",
    taxRate: "Tax reate",
    netValue: "Net value",
    grossValue: "Gross value",

const taxesLabels: TaxesTableLabels = {
    taxRate: "Tax rate",
    netValue: "Net value",
    taxValue: "Tax value",
    grossValue: "Gross value",
    total: "Total",

const localizationOptions: LocalizationOptions = {
    locale: "en-EN",
    currency: "EUR",
    dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-d",
    documentDateLabel: "Document date:",
    sellDateLabel: "Sell date:",
    dueDateLabel: "Due date:",
    paymentMethodLabel: "Payment method:",
    sellerLabel: "Seller",
    buyerLabel: "Buyer",
    totalLabel: "Total:",

const invoiceValues: InvoiceTemplateValues = {
    invoiceTitle: "Invoice 123/2020",
    documentDate: new Date(),
    sellDate: new Date(),
    dueDate: new Date(),
    paymentMethod: "cash",
    seller: "name",
    buyer: "name",