
Prettifies NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) logs, like `bunyan -o short` but actually pretty.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import letsdallyBunyanPretty from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@letsdally/bunyan-pretty';



hero image

Prettifies NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON) logs, like `bunyan -o short` but actually pretty.

Table of Contents


npm install @mechanicalhuman/bunyan-pretty


The tool reads from the STDIN and is installed as the cmd pretty in the shell.

  • You can pipe it to the output of a running application:

    node index.js | pretty [OPTIONS]
  • Or just feed it an already existing file.

    pretty [OPTIONS] < input.log

Advanced Usage

    pretty --help

    Usage: ... | pretty [options]

    Time Stamps
    --time-stamps                   Print TimeStamps.                   [boolean][default: true]
    --stamps-format, -f             TimeStamps format.                  [YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm:ss]
    --stamps-time-zone, --tz        TimeStamps zone offset.             [default: "Etc/UTC"]
    --print-host                    Prepends the host to the log line.  [boolean][default: false]

    --strict                        Only show "legal" log lines.        [boolean][default: false]
    --level, -l                     Only show messages >= level.        [string][default: "trace"]

    --depth                         (passed to util.inspect)            [number][default: 4]
    --max-array-length              (passed to util.inspect)            [number][default: 100]

    --force-color                   Force color output                  [boolean][default: false]



  • Theboolean options can be set false using --no-option. Example: --no-time-stamps
  • The--level choices are: "trace", "debug", "info", "error", "warn", "fatal"
  • The--stamps-format value is passed directly to moment.format()
  • You force the colored output using the env variable: FORCE_COLOR=1
  • You can pass the time stamps zone offset via the env variable: PRETTY_TZ
  • You can pass the time stamps format via the env variable: PRETTY_STAMPS_FORMAT

Programatic Interface

You can use pretty as a writable stream from inside your NodeJS scripts. Probably usefull on development.

 * WIll wrap the given stream with pretty.
 * @param  {WritableStream} stream          Writable stream to wrap pretty around
 * @param  {Object} [opts]                  Options object, will merge with the default options.
 * @return {WritableStream}

const pretty = require('@mechanicalhuman/bunyan-pretty')


The options object passed to pretty will merge with the default options.

const defaultOptions = {
  level: 'trace', // Only print messages >= level.
  strict: false, // Only print valid pino/bunyan logs

  colorize: chalk.supportsColor !== false,

  depth: 4, // (passed to util.inspect)
  maxArrayLength: 100, // (passed to util.inspect)

  printHost: false, // Print Host.
  timeStamps: true, // Print TimeStamps.
  stampsFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HH:mm:ss',
  stampsTimeZone: moment.tz.guess() // TimeStamps zone offset (Based on your Locale)


const pretty = require('@mechanicalhuman/bunyan-pretty')
const bunyan = require('bunyan')

const log = bunyan.createLogger({
  name: 'app',
  stream: pretty(process.stdout, { timeStamps: false }),
  level: 'info'

log.info('hello world')


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MIT © Jorge Proaño