
Extremely fast framework to build web application

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lifaonRxDom from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lifaon/rx-dom';


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🌱 rx-dom

rx-dom is an observable based library for building very high performance user interfaces: you get the angular like syntax with near native performances.

It binds for you the DOM nodes with observables to automatically update only the relevant parts, ensuring maximal efficiency.

To simplify: you create dynamic variables, and rx-dom takes care for you to refresh the DOM.

Moreover, it comes with an AOT plugin for rollup, which strongly optimizes your components and generates very small bundle.

It's light, fast, and simple ! Give it a try !

📑 Example


interface IData {
  readonly $input$: IMulticastReplayLastSource<string>;
  readonly remaining$: ISubscribeFunction<number>;
  readonly valid$: ISubscribeFunction<boolean>;

  name: 'app-hello-world',
  template: compileReactiveHTMLAsGenericComponentTemplate({
    html: `
      <div class="input-container">
          (input)="() => $.$input$.emit(node.value)"
        Length: {{ $.remaining$ }} / 10
  styles: [compileReactiveCSSAsComponentStyle(`
    :host {
      display: block;

    :host > .max-length-container:not(.valid) {
      color: red;
export class AppHelloWorldComponent extends HTMLElement implements OnCreate<IData> {
  protected readonly data: IData;

  constructor() {

    const $input$ = let$('');
    const remaining$ = map$($input$.subscribe, (value: string) => value.length);
    const valid$ = map$(remaining$, (value: number) => (value <= 10));

    this.data = {

  public onCreate(): IData {
    return this.data;

Click here to see the live demo

📦 Installation

yarn add @lifaon/rx-dom
# or
npm install @lifaon/rx-dom --save


This library supports:

  • common-js (require): transpiled as es6, with .cjs extension, useful for old nodejs versions
  • module (esm import): transpiled as esnext, with .mjs extension (requires node resolution for external packages)

In a browser environment, you'll need to resolve external imports thought a bundler like snowpack, rollup, webpack, etc... or directly using skypack: https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lifaon/rx-dom

Differences with other popular frameworks:

Feature Angular Virtual DOM (React, Vue) rx-dom
Semantics html with special flavour jsx or hyperscript html with special flavour
Memory medium: data are directly reflected on the nodes, but the framework itself is heavy high a lot of virtual DOM elements are created every time the DOM updates, and the number of virtual nodes is also linearly proportional to the size of the DOM tree. very low: once the data pipeline is set, on every update the data is directly reflected on the node.
CPU medium: when zoneJs triggers, all expressions in the html are evaluated and reflected on the nodes high because a lot of time is spent regenerating the Virtual DOM, calculating the diff and figuring out what changed. low: the nodes subscribe only to the part of the data that is needed for rendering / updating them. It's almost unbeatable, because when the data changes, it directly updates the nodes.
Size ~50KB ~10KB (preact) ~8KB (with jit compiler), ~4KB (aot)

*size is calculated for similar 'hello world' projects, compiled, minified and gzipped.

rx-dom has been thought to support AOT, which generates very small bundles.

We may conclude that current frameworks are pretty efficient, but are not as optimized as they could be. rx-dom tries to do better by conciliating an elegant syntax with maximal performances.

For new incomers, learning observables may be discouraging, as it is a totally different manner to think your code, but once you're comfortable with this principle, you'll fully enjoy the potential, and the performances they provide:

  • fewer errors, especially on computed properties
  • better resource managements: cancellation is part of observables
  • faster rendering and updating

Obviously, current popular frameworks are more mature and offers more tools, having a very important community. However, this project may close the gap in the future.