
Faceted search form for React

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logilabReactFacetedSearch from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@logilab/react-faceted-search';




.. |badge| image:: https://jenkins.logilab.org/job/react-faceted-search/badge/icon :target: https://jenkins.logilab.org/job/react-faceted-search

This component relies on 2 elements:

  • a set of React components, to render the HTML markup;
  • a Filters object, that manages the filtering of the Entities.

The main component, FacetedSearchForm, takes several parameters:

  • schema, a definition of the data (see test/data/schema.js for an example);
  • config, a map of the entities and properties to display in the form;
  • filters, a list of default filters;
  • entities, a list of entities implementing the Entities interface.

To be called from the code rendering the form, one has to use the special ref property defined by React:


var config = {facets: new Map()}
config.facets.set('Pipe', ['pipe_usage', 'location_type', 'real_length'])
config.facets.set('SubStation', ['name'])
config.facets.set('Junction', ['name'])

       ref={(ref) => this._form = ref}

The form will then be available using this._form.

Some methods are accessible through that ref:

  • addFilter(filter);
  • removeFilter(filter);
  • clearFilters();
  • getFilteredEntities().

The filter parameter passed to those methods is an object representing the filter. It can have one of the following shapes:


    entityType: 'Pipe',
    propertyName: 'name',
    value: 'my name'
    type: 'string_contains',
    entityType: 'Pipe',
    propertyName: 'identifier',
    value: 'P_'
    type: 'string_in_list',
    entityType: 'Pipe',
    propertyName: '__eid__',
    value: ['123', '345', '678']
    type: 'number_between',
    entityType: 'Pipe',
    propertyName: 'real_length',
    value: ['1', '10']