
Tabs organize content into separate views where only one view can be visible at a time.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import logoSoftwareTabs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@logo-software/tabs';


Tabs Module

Tabs are organized content into separate views where only one view can be visible at a time. Tabs are used to quickly navigate between views within the same context. All tabs have own router.

Click here for demo


All public NPM packages of Logo Software is at https://www.npmjs.com/~logofe. To install Tabs Module:

$ npm set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
$ npm install @logo-software/tabs -s

Then add TabsModule to @NgModule imports section


  imports: [TabsModule],
export class AppModule {

Tab(s) Component

TabsComponent contains the TabComponent list in its content. Just add <logo-tab> into your <logo-tabs>. Below code is the full sample usage of the tabs component. Add the below code to your code stack and give initializer parameters.


   [params]="{id: '44-133'}"
   <h1>Content goes here</h1>
   <p>Tab one content detail's goes here</p>
 <logo-tab title="two">tab content two</logo-tab>


Add [left] or [right] property to any element to set position's on the navbar. If 'showPrevNext' option is setted as true, this feature won't work. For example:


 <logo-tab title="one">Tab content one</logo-tab>
 <logo-tab title="two">Tab content two</logo-tab>
 <div right>right text or some buttons</div>
 <div left>left text or some buttons</div>

Tab Component

Tab component determines Tabs title and its content. Tab's title attribute will be the display text of the tab. And its child DOM elements will be the content of the tabs. Add the below code to your code stack and give initializer parameters.


  [params]="{id: 'user-id-1'}"

For API details, please visit http://design.logo.com.tr/#/docs/components/components-overview