
This package contains data structures like stack, binary tree...

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lokprakashDatastructure from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lokprakash/datastructure';



This package helps you in adding data structures like binary tree, stack and many more(in future updates). You can import this package in any JS file and start building complex data structures. Documentation will be released soon.

Recent update: Added Max heap.

Next update: Min heap.

Available data structures(As of now):

Binary tree



Linked list

Heap(Max Heap)

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Official documentation will be released soon . . .

Install the package using NPM ( npm install @lokprakash/datastructures )

Import the package in your JS file


    import * as ds from '@lokprakash/datastructure';

    //Binary tree

    let binaryTreeNode1=new ds.BinaryTree(5); //create a node with value of 5. Attributes are value, left, right.
    let binaryTreeNode2=new ds.BinaryTree(4);
    let binaryTreeNode3=new ds.BinaryTree(10);

    binaryTreeNode1.addLeft(binaryTreeNode2); //This will add a node to the left 
    binaryTreeNode1.addRight(binaryTreeNode3); //This will add a node to the right

    console.log('value of node 1', binaryTreeNode1.value);
    console.log('left node of node 1', binaryTreeNode1.left);
    console.log('right node of node 1', binaryTreeNode1.right);


    let stack=new ds.Stack();

    stack.pushValue(1); //this will push value 1 into the stack

    console.log('top value of stack', stack.getTop());
    console.log('Length of the stack', stack.getLength());
    console.log('Pop the top value of the stack and return it', stack.popValue());


    let queue=new ds.Queue();

    queue.pushValue(3); //adds a value into the queue

    console.log(queue.popValue()); //pop the first value in the queue and returns it
    console.log(queue.getLength()); //get the current length of the queue
    console.log(queue.getTop()); //returns the first value of the queue but won't pop it out

    //Linked List

    let linkedListNode=new ds.LinkedList(1);  //this will create a node with value of 1 and the next pointer with value of null by default

    let linkedListNode2=new ds.LinkedList(2);

    linkedListNode.addNext(linkedListNode2); //this will change the "next" pointer to point to the linkedListNode2

    let node=linkedListNode;

        console.log(node.value);  //prints the node value

        //increment the node pointer

    //Max heap

    let heap=new ds.Heap();

    //Insert 10 to the heap;

    //Insert 20 to the heap;

    //get the root value of the heap
    let val=heap.removeElement();

    //get the size of the heap
    console.log('heap size', heap.size());