
Integrate with Express and expose middleware infrastructure for sequence and interceptors

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import loopbackExpress from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@loopback/express';



This package adds middleware support for LoopBack 4 and allows Express middleware to be plugged into LoopBack seamlessly. It's used by @loopback/rest to support Express middleware with InvokeMiddleware action within the REST sequence.

See documentation for more details.


This module provides the following APIs:

  • Helper

  • new custom routing engine (special thanks to @bajtos)!

  • tools for defining your application routes

  • OpenAPI 3.0 spec (openapi.json/openapi.yaml) generation using @loopback/openapi-v3

  • a default sequence implementation to manage the request and response lifecycle


To use this package, you'll need to install @loopback/express.

npm i @loopback/express

Basic Use

  1. Adapt an Express middleware

The registration can happen in the constructor of an application.

{% include code-caption.html content="src/application.ts" %}

import morgan from 'morgan';

export class MyApplication extends RestApplication {
  constructor(options: ApplicationConfig = {}) {

    // Register `morgan` express middleware
    this.expressMiddleware('middleware.morgan', morgan('combined'));
  1. Create your own middleware

The LoopBack middleware is defined as a function with the following signature:

(context: MiddlewareContext, next: Next) => ValueOrPromise<InvocationResult>;

It's very easy to write a simple logging middleware using async/await:

const log: Middleware = async (middlewareCtx, next) => {
  const {request} = middlewareCtx;
  console.log('Request: %s %s', request.method, request.originalUrl);
  try {
    // Proceed with next middleware
    await next();
    // Process response
      'Response received for %s %s',
  } catch (err) {
    // Catch errors from downstream middleware
      'Error received for %s %s',
    throw err;
  1. Use Express middleware as interceptors

With the ability to wrap Express middleware as LoopBack 4 interceptors, we can use the same programming model to register middleware as global interceptors or local interceptors denoted by @intercept decorators at class and method levels.

The middleware interceptor function can be directly referenced by @intercept.

import morgan from 'morgan';
const morganInterceptor = toInterceptor(morgan('combined'));
class MyController {
  hello(msg: string) {
    return `Hello, ${msg}`;

It's also possible to bind the middleware to a context as a local or global interceptor.

// Register `morgan` express middleware
// Create a middleware factory wrapper for `morgan(format, options)`
const morganFactory = (config?: morgan.Options) => morgan('combined', config);
const binding = registerExpressMiddlewareInterceptor(
  {}, // morgan options
    // As a global interceptor
    global: true,

For a bound local interceptor with {global: false}, the binding key can now be used with @intercept.

class MyController {
  hello(msg: string) {
    return `Hello, ${msg}`;



Run npm test from the root folder.


See all contributors.
