
Decorator for node-redis, formatting I/O data and defining behaviour.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import ltvengineJeRedis from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ltvengine/je-redis';



A simple decorator for node-redis. Provides a set of methods to format I/O data and keys.

Check https://www.npmjs.com/package/redis to learn abt native lib.

I've been working on a bunch of Node.js micro-services for some time. Every service writes and reads a lot of hashes to/from Redis cache. And every one needs the outta-the-box patterns to process data that slightly differ.

The library name [ʒə ʁədi] means 'I repeat/retell' in French.


npm i @ltvengine/je-redis



import {JeRedis} from '@ltvengine/je-redis'

const jeRedisClient = new JeRedis(...[redisOptions, jeRedisOptions]);

Native or retold

Je-Redis promisified native methods under the hood, but they are still available in the traditional callback-style.

jeRedisClient.findOne({key: 'users', id: '1'}, ...someOptions) // Promise<Record | null>  

jeRedisClient.hget('users',  '1', (err, res) => {}) // "OK"  

And don't forget about the Node.js ability to promisify command.

import {promisify} from 'util';

promisify(jeRedisClient.hget)('users', '1') // Promise<'{"name": "Thomas", "surname": "Anderson"}'>  


You can set the native Redis and Je-redis options on init.

Here are native Redis options:


Basic config

const jeRedisClient = new JeRedis(); 

Je-Redis options

option description type default
returnId Include field id in response. boolean false
idName Name the field. string null
overwrite Overwrite entry on update. If false - merge entries. boolean false
returnRaw Return stringed data as is. boolean false
insertRaw Insert string as is. boolean false
returnArray Return all/multiple fileds entries as array [entry, entry, ...entries] If false returns hash {[field]: entry} boolean false
nullIfNoKeys Return null if no fields for key and returnArray is false boolean true

Options priority

// jeRedis options returnId is false
jeRedisClient.findOne({key: 'users', id: '2'})
.then(console.log) // {name: 'Thomas', surname: 'Anderson}

// jeRedis options returnId is true
jeRedisClient.findOne({key: 'users', id: '2'})
    .then(console.log) // {id: '2', name: 'Thomas', surname: 'Anderson}

// jeRedis options returnId is false  and includeName is 'id' but method options overwrite it
    {key: 'users', id: 'ABCDE'}, 
    {returnId: true, idName: 'user_id'}
    .then(console.log) // {user_id: 'ABCDE', name: 'Thomas', surname: 'Anderson}

Method params

param description type
key Redis key E.g. 'users', 'users:1:orders' string
id Redis key field. We often need not to attach primitive values to fields but rather store the whole object and later take it from DB string
data Data to store. N.B. je-redis can't update arrays or such and actually such stuff is out of scope, just prettier formatting. Object, Array, string


method description example response
findOne Gets entry for the key-field jeRedis.findOne({key: 'employee_unformatted_data_heap', id: 'Johnson'}) Object / null
findAll Gets entries for the key as big hash or array jeRedis.findAll({key: 'employee_unformatted_data_heap'}) Array / Object / null
insert Creates entry if key-field doesn't exist. Generates UUID field name. If you want to provide your own key, use upsert method. jeRedis.insert({key: 'strangers', data: {name: 'Dunno Lol', occupation: 'stranger'}) Object / null
upsert Updates or creates entry. Manage merging entries with options.overwrite jeRedis.upsert({key: 'doctors', id: '123', data: {name: 'Strangelove', occupation: 'scientist'}) Object
update Updates entry. If key-field doesn't exist, returns null. Manage merging entries with options.overwrite jeRedis.update({key: 'doctors', id: '123', data: {name: 'Strangelove', occupation: 'councellor'}) Object / null
bulkUpsert Updates or creates multiple key-fields entries. jeRedis.bulkUpsert({rows: [array of 1000 hashes], firstPage: [array of 10 hashes]}) Object
delete Deletes entry and returns 1 or id. jeRedis.delete({key: 'mushrooms', id: 'psylo'}) number / string
bulkDelete Deletes multiple entries and returns number of deleted. jeRedis.bulkDelete({key: 'mushrooms', id: ['psylo', 'agaric']}) number
close Close connection and waits until it's over. Returns 0 status code if it's ok. jeRedis.close() number

Method accepts two argument hashes: params & options.


All errors are bubbling up to the caller, so it'd be the best not to forget about catch blocks.


npm run test

To do

  • Add expiration settings to option interface.
  • Make types more strict and clear.
  • Develop a proper functionality for arrays.
  • Process more cases with proper functions.
  • Enrich documentation with examples in different situations.
  • Provide ability to hget multiple, not all, ids` values.


Please keep in mind that usage cases for in-memory DBs concern fast writing-reading. If you need strict-typed schemas, better use them later with RDBMS to process data stored in Redis.

It means that if you save something weird to Redis with native method and then my stupid findOne crashes on it, this crash will be your own responsibility.

Writing and reading the same key-ids with either Redis or Je-Redis in both cases is more reliable way.

Would be glad if this simple lib helps anyone to optimize routines.