
Easier-to-use Google Map & React integration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import lucifer1004ReactGoogleMap from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@lucifer1004/react-google-map';


React Google Map

version License: MIT codecov codebeat badge

Easier Google Map Integration for React projects.

Why a new package

There has been similar packages such as tomchentw/react-google-maps, google-map-react/google-map-react, fullstackreact/google-maps-react, so why bother writing a new library?

The aim is to make an easier-to-use Google Map library for React users, empowered by React's latest features.


  • node
  • npm or yarn
  • a valid Google Map API key

Basic usage

import {
} from '@lucifer1004/react-google-map'

// In your component
return (
        center: {lat: 39, lng: 116},
        zoom: 14,
      onCenterChanged={() => {
        console.log('The center of the map has changed.')
        draggable: true,
        label: 'hello',
        position: {lat: 39, lng: 116},
        content: 'This is an info window',
        position: {lat: 39.01, lng: 115.99},
        path: [
          {lat: 38.98, lng: 116.01},
          {lat: 38.98, lng: 116.03},
          {lat: 38.99, lng: 116.03},
        strokeColor: 'cyan',
        data: [
          {lat: 38.982, lng: 116.037},
          {lat: 38.982, lng: 116.035},
          {lat: 38.985, lng: 116.047},
          {lat: 38.985, lng: 116.045},
    <OverlayView position={{lat: 39, lng: 116}}>
      <h2>{`⚑ This is a custom overlay 🙌`}</h2>

Let's break it up.


  • You need to wrap your components within GoogleMapProvider, so that they will have access to the global state and work fluently.

Under the hood, React.Context is used.

Besides GoogleMapProvider, GoogleMapConsumer and GoogleMapContext are also exported. You can choose to use the consumer manner, or use useContext hook, to get access to the context contents in your custom components.

What's inside the context?

Currently, the context has two properties: state and dispatch. As the names suggest, state stores the context state, and dispatch is the reduce function.

state has 3 properties:

  • map, which is a reference to the google.maps.Map instance.
  • objects, which is a Map storing all google.maps.MVCObject instances as id-object pairs
  • service, which is a reference to the google.maps.places.PlaceService instance. It will be automatically instantiated when usingPlaces is true in MapBox.

Users can manipulate Google Map objects directly via these properties.


  • MapBox is a wrapper of a google.maps.Map instance.
  • There can only be one MapBox within GoogleMapProvider. If you want to have multiple maps, you can handle them with multiple providers.
  • Google Map options should be placed in opts.


  • Marker is a wrapper of a google.maps.Marker instance.
  • Google Map options should be placed in opts.
  • The id prop is required and must be unique.


  • InfoWindow is a wrapper of a google.maps.InfoWindow instance.
  • Google Map options should be placed in opts.
  • visible prop determines whether InfoWindow is visible.


  • Polygon is a wrapper of a google.maps.Polygon instance.
  • Google Map options should be placed in opts.
  • The id prop is required and must be unique.


  • HeatMap is a wrapper of a google.maps.visualization.HeatmapLayer instance
  • useVisualization of the MapBox instance must be true
  • Google Map options should be placed in opts

    Note: opts.data is an array of {lat, lng, weight?}, which is different from Google Map API's definition.


  • OverlayView is a wrapper of a google.maps.OverlayView instance. You can overlay a custom DOM element on the map with this component.
  • position prop must be given, which is google.maps.LatLngLiteral, so that OverlayView can be located
  • pane prop defines in which pane this OverlayView will be rendered, default is "overlayMouseTarget" (ref)

Advanced usage

Instead of using the pre-designed components, you can also use the exported hooks useGoogleAPI, useGoogleListeners in your own components.

See the examples

git clone https://github.com/lucifer1004/react-gmap
cd react-gmap
yarn install


The best way to learn how to use this package is to use the storybook.

yarn storybook


You can also run the example app. Before running it locally, you should copy the sample dotenv file, and fill in your Google Map API key to replace the placeholder.

cp .env.sample .env

Then you can run the example project by

yarn start

Projects using this package

Boycott github|site

This app combines Google Map API and Yelp API, helping users search nearby businesses.
